a meaningful life
What we do this year will be studied for years to come.
Mon.Jan.8.2024 - Ubochi Orie

The Africa we build should fit this lady and her chickens, an Africa that is for Africans and built on the foundations of the things that we are - nothing needs to be borrowed for us to thrive if we look carefully.
I could spend this article telling you what to do for the year but I don't know what that is, so I will tell you what I am going to do... and maybe some of it works for you, and you can join us.
This year, we will shake the world, with the things we will build, right here in Africa.
Are you ready?
Africa is not held back by anything. Nothing is capable of holding us. Accept that our present conditions are choice and let us break the yoke together.
Often I talk about colonization as a foundational curse on Africa, I also hit on the poor leadership till date, religious divisions, misuse of tribal diversity, our education systems that impale rather than impact knowledge, combative family structures and marriages designed by sheer force of external notions and western ideals (evil) to fail.
This may lead you to believe that I think Africa is out of hand. I don't.
Africa will change dramatically, in your very eyes. It started to pivot on November 22, 2023, when we were able to launch ITUNANYA.COM as a clear option for Africa Media that openly challenges the notion that we must wait for the West to create our platforms.

It continues in 2024 as we work to launch 24 more enterprises that will change their industries and open the eyes of our people to the degree of slavery grade dependencies, we have on the foreign. It isn't about the businesses, but rather about the methodology.
In each of these enterprises we will actively court the best Nigerians and Africans, home and abroad and give them positions of power, groom them to succeed, compensate them at unimaginable levels and begin to translate the opportunities of Japarin, right here at home for them, such that the brain drain starts to reverse - this year.
Everyone of these enterprises is designed for human beings. Africa has not reached the point for A.I. Often we follow the world in crass, blind, stupidity to a place they have gotten in order to repair the damages they have brought on themselves. Like flies, we fly into their shit with a struggle, fighting to get a bite of tooth decay.
We rush into developments and ideals, that are good ideas for Hegemonic powers but a place which is not suitable for our kind. as much as I am not designed to live in the harsh weather of New York, I am equally not aided by A.I that steals work from my people who are terribly, unemployed.
This is not a statement about the usefulness or lack Thereof of Artificial Intelligence, Robots and vast advancements in people replacing manufacturing technologies but rather an understanding that we can achieve the same things with human hands and in the process simultaneously obliterate unemployment and import dependency in Nigeria and Africa.

For the cost of 1 of these automotive factory robots, you can employ 250 African welders for 1 year, why would I give the money to machines?
I continue to be an Advocate of backward integration of manufacturing technologies, such that we take the capital required to bring factories to 2024 standards and we spread that money into the lives of workers by starting with a more efficient manual mode of production, at the maximum scale of market need. Overtime, we can retrench the workers and move them to new production sites, while introducing machines to the most strenuous tasks in the old factories.
This approach extends capital, engenders organic learning of technologies and the natural evolution of processes, inline with modern technologies and our specific needs. It is the best way to naturally evolve our technological landscape and in the process can employ 5 million people in Vision 1960 Projects, in Nigeria alone, with alot more across Africa.
This year we will launch Africa's largest Chicken Farm using the same backward integration Modalities to ensure maximum scale in employment and productivity while avoiding any distractions to export productions when our people cannot eat here at home.
There is 1 way to cure the current Dollarization of our economies, it is not export earnings but the development of the local economy in a comprehensive way that secures all the resources it needs from within, such that currency becomes secondary to its transactions and the activities are localized in inputs, technologies, manpower and even consumer - were would the dollar factor in such transactions.

Many people advocate for exports of our food items like Palm Oil, I insist on the use of these local gifts to comprehensively develop its community, such that God's gift for "her" is no longer a curse.
While building this farm, we will simultaneously raise a whole new city area in Abuja as a means of liberating our people from the slavery of land speculation at the capital of Nigeria and Africa's defacto head office, we will develop a rural agricultural community in Enugu as an Introductory solution to the agricultural productivity crisis that is plunging our nation and Africa into a state of unimaginable Despair, where common food which our ancestors could spare is now rare, with 1 meal a day, rapidly becoming the norm for many, this in a country with vast swats of empty, useful land.
We will develop a Bank for our people's Visions that will lend on the basis of the quality of the solution, using Human Capital, the ideas and developments as Collateral and allowing our young people to grow this nation, out of poverty.
Often the best solutions come from men with no name, who want to make a name, we will give them their shot.
We will develop, a Hospital the likes of which the world has never seen, housing 3,000 beds and attending to all classes of patients in all areas of medicine and destroying any need to go abroad.

Under the brand name Egwusieike Comprehensive Medical Complex we are building 2 x 25 story towers in Abuja, Nigeria as the heart of advanced medicine in Nigeria.
We will develop an Institute for the development of the world leading engineers that we need for a resurgence of manufacturing and technological independence. We will support them with a national network of basic education institutions that will produce student who upon graduating from secondary school equivalent, will already be seniors to the Moribund brains we now stamp out in Africa's archaic universities.
This and much more, 25 tailored enterprises, will rise out of Nigeria to serve all of Africa, this year, each a tailored solution to the problems of our people and woe Betide the person that stands in our way
All of the aforementioned are a statement of the impossible. Nobody expects us to achieve even one of them in this year but they do not set our limits, we do and these are what we must do. Africa is too far behind to take on step at a time, what we need is to fly and by design the eco-systems I have created are set to allow us levitation and Propulsion no matter the nature of the winds.

Zikora will build the most excellent expressions of African hospitality, all across Nigeria and will not allow imaginary limits to force it into foreign brand partnerships and/or management.
For those of you who don't know me, I am not a businessman, I am a King, in love with his people, and I take personal responsibility for the assurance of a better end than you are used to. Many of you may worry about how we can survive these visions in the midst of the colonial devils that fight us and the Resident demons that we call leaders in Africa. Rest assured, I will not be asking permission to deliver, that which is good to our people, nor do I depend on Foreign aid or political patronage.
For me, every business is a strategic defense of our commonwealth or an attack on our collective poverty. Peace is progress and anyone or anything that attempts to impale that calls for war. And Africa deserves every ounce of my blood if it ever calls for it but rest assured that I do not intend to vacation before your lives are a glowing manifestation of the best gifts of heaven. As such those who cause us war, shall be the spoils.
Everyone of these enterprises, is a conscious effort to reverse import dependency, create employment and ensure "A Meaningful Life" for our people by ensuring that the world we live in, is a world that we build for ourselves, using the resources that we are already blessed with and without any need of support from anywhere foreign or domestic.
No powers home or abroad, can stop the change that we are making. The train is already rolling and it will not tolerate any loitering on its tracks.
I could have written to you on January 1st but I suspect the wine may not have allowed you to hear me. Especially inview of the seemingly Ridiculous nature of my predictions, In views of the slow pace of developments across Africa. It is important to note that one of the greater impediments on the speed of progress and scale of developments for the Africa is self limitations, a disease I did not inherit and will not contract, this year. Every bit of the statements I make, is a strategic Continuum of strategic investments, adapted to a massive master plans and are supported by incredible resources that are beyond imagination. Speed up, because I will not Throttle down.

I hope you had a great entrance to the year and I wish you all the best in the rest.
This year, now, the manifestation of the blessings of God, in my life and yours, evident in rapid Social and Economic transformations that will be shocking for all who watch, will be unveiled via our projects and the chain reactions that they enable.
Don't watch, reset your clock to participation and find your fit in the many pools of opportunities that we will unleash for you and all of our people, in every imaginable sector of life this year.
Come into the year with hope for your projects and dreams and our Visions and projects. All is well that ends well and Africa begins to rise in 2024. I don't ask you to believe because we need your belief to do what we must. We will do as we should, with or without you. For you yet in spite of you.
I ask you to belief so that you can key in and avail yourself of opportunities at employment, contracting, partnership, ownership, investments and a general redevelopment of your interests, options and choices in life to suit that which can be considered "A Meaningful Life". It is coincidental that I am releasing this statement today. Mondays are when I pen the article series "A Meaningful Life" , and it is precisely that, which I wish to introduce to every Nigerian and every African and every Black man in all of our subjugated corners of the Universe.
My meaningful life is generated from service to you and securing a meaningful life for all of us. Starting now and arriving within the next 10 year, every African must be able to take a bath with a shower or in a clean stream, eat 3 square meals and expect a just reward, as a new normal, in Nigeria.

The African child deserves shower time and we will make sure that they have clean streams and/or a little tap at home, that douses the head with pleasure, we can skip the foam.
My commitment to you this new year is the initialization of a world of purpose.
Across the Royal House of AjaAni, The African Renaissance Order, ALUSIUWA, Vision 1960 and LIVEN Capital, we will all work to make this world work for you this year, in spite of, regardless of and not withstanding who is in power in any corridors of power, the world over.
All I ask of you, is to have hope and to try very hard this year to be a good person. Our world is souring from all of the nasty Western shit that we are eating, vomit and make room for the alternative, I assure you, on my life, that it will be available.
Love your wife, honour your husband, invest in your kids, be your neighbours keeper, seek God and Truth in everything and get ready. No matter how good Africa gets, it will still be made up of people and while we build the things that will make it good, please work on the people, starting with you.
The shit is about to hit the fan and this time, it is going to be home made, make sure your belly is empty of the bullshit they have been feeding us, so that you can load up on the labour of love that I bring to you, straight from the almighty God.
While I your support is welcome, it is not required because those who must lead, follow God. I do not ask for your help or followership or loyalty.
I depend on all of nature for My sources and resources, they are of a kind never seen before, unlimited and producing a surplus that is Insulated from the whimsical theatre of tribe, religion, race and vested interest in crass control of human free will.
Less you misconstrue this letter as solicitation, it is not. The work we do does not need advertising, excellence speaks for itself. We are rather concerned that our people may not benefit from the work, if they are left unaware of the changes and that aliens will swoop in to buy up all of our developments and sieze up contracts and employment.
I write to keep you aware, so that those who have faith will still be present when the rewards are shared. What I ask you is that you in faith, empty you belly of hate, greed, and hopelessness so that in the midst of plenty, they do not blind you to the great year that is 2024 and keep you fed on their ulcer inducing diet of speculative dust.
Welcome to 2024, the year in which I take my baby steps, I hope that you will come along with me and benefit from the new paths we will clear. While these are my 1st steps, they will be wide enough to contain the dreams of a generation and set a clear course of life that is meaningful, right here in Nigeria and Across Africa.
The Journey to an Africa that works, has started, that is how we ended the last year, this year, we will take it to new heights, dare to fly with us.
The world they gave us is controlled by money. We now control ALUSIUWA, the equilibrium has tilted back, in favour of Africa.
Blind? See.
Happy New Year.
the "A MEANINGFUL LIFE" series is a non Religious, Non Enterprise look at life and meaning, written with the hope of getting you to a life of pure Joy, real Happiness and Satisfaction with your own life, regardless of your faith and economic profile.
It does not intend to preach, but where necessary it will. At the end, the desired result is that from this series you will pick up the tools to give your life greater meaning, and live a more satisfying existence.

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