a meaningful life
Life starts when you are actually alive and alive is quite different from merely waking up.
Mon.August.5.2024 - Ubochi Nkwo
Take out the H, make it a W and (H)ealth spells (W)ealth, intentional or not by the framers of the English Dictionary, pun or accident, it doesn't matter, the reality is that health is a very important type of wealth, A very Special class of wealth - that without which all other wealth is terribly tasteless.
Imagine having money to eat anything, yet the Doctors tell you, you can't? Imagine having the funds to buy the finest cars, and yet your Eyesight cannot allow you to test their speed? Imagine raising funds to run for President as an incumbent and forgetting the simplest lines in your speech, speeches you wrote yourself, with passion, but cannot remember due to spaghetti in your brain?
Imagine forgetting the names of your kids, a wealth in kids whose memories time is stealing from you? Imagine drinking on borrowed funds in your youth, just to need a Kidney or Liver, to drudge out the last half, where money is no object?
Health is wealth, but it not just wealth, it is the starting line of the discussion. It is not impossible to Live a Meaningful Life without health but it is terribly miserable to try and live A Meaningful Life, without health if you have any other option - and you do.
In the "A Meaningful Life" Series, I try to stay away from the esoteric or religious, attempting to focus on plain human logic but as matters of the heart are concerned this is impossible.
The human heart is an organ that represents in all religions, the "souls" organ. The heart is a scientifically explored object whose bodily functions are clearly defined and relatively simply but I think there is a universal consensus that its functions in blood pressure regulations, are but a much minor part of its job. I pray your indulgence to accept what we all know, that the heart is the foundation of human life. It is the "heart" of life itself and without it, life ceases faster than with any other organ.
The heart lives in the body, but it seems that the body more so depends on the heart than the other way around. A good heart is not merely a medically sound heart but a human heart, one that is organically connected to the positive energies of the world and therefore naturally drives a good life, through innately good intentions and the inspirations of a spirit grounded in the goodness of the world, which is the only source of a Vision that can produce "A Meaningful Life".
To maintain a medically sound heart you can eat and drink X and Y but to keep the heart good is a much different story. If the heart is poisoned with food, it looses physical pressure or overloads and this leads to a shut down of the body. In the same way a poisoned "good" heart, creates spiritual pressures that under or overload your life with emotional summersaults, self serving intentions and general imbalances of heart felt goodness that lead to a shutdown of your spirit.
Hopeful, I have finally gotten an explanation that is a practical revelation of the role of the heart in health beyond just mere physical life.
Consider it as follows. A sound heart is the physical maintenance of the human heart such that it is fit to sustain its physical duties in regulating blood pressure, oxygen and the circulation of cells and inputs. On the other hand, a good heart is the general maintenance of the human soul (hearts esoteric features), with mental and spiritual resilience, such that is can resist the poisons of pain and still maintain the stimulations for adventure, the adrenaline for tensions and the extra terrestrial push to get to your goals at the many moments in life when only "heart" is left.
Many of us, however, neglect the heart on both its physiological maintenance and the spiritual lubrications and Emotional massage to keep it ready for a world full of battles, on the road to "A Meaningful Life".
A Meaningful Life, is a worthy life, but it is not a dash, not play, not a baby case.
It is a serious quest with vicious opposition from men, nature and the gods and must be met with "heart", a Sound and a Good heart - One or the other, will not do, both is mandatory.
A SOUND HEART: To maintain a sound heart requires physical activity, and no exercise is not necessary.
For the most part exercise is a factor of our continuous mechanization of life and so when I say activity, I recommend just natural, human stress.
For a long time, I washed my clothes by hand, recognizing my redundancy to the comforts of a rotating executive chair and a computer screen, I saw washing clothes as a rare opportunity to be physically active.
Walk, run, work, a work that sees your body sweating and your heart beating in a rush and if you cannot do that, then on to the gym - cardio time.
A GOOD HEART: To maintain a good heart, pick your friends wisely and Take your time before making enemies.
As a Governor, if a by stander throws a sachet of water at your car and yells die, die, die, is that really a good investment of resources to try to find his home address and end his career? - focus. Oil your heart in all situations with a focus on positive results and if ever wickedness spews from your heart, let it be a measured response to a commensurate threat and not just a wasteful engagement of a hurt heart. And therefore not Wickedness but justifiable anger, towards clear injustice.
Love, because there is nothing that activates the heart more than love and nothing that impales it more than hate, as such seek out things, people and reasons to love and watch your heart become good.
Guard, because a good heart is a bright red target and you must be careful not to become a victim of your own good heart, such that your quest for A Meaningful Life is not defeated by blissful ignorance that makes your goodness, a breeding ground for victimhood.
Yield, guarding also against yourself, so that in guarding your heart, you do not become so selfish as to be vain and in an oversteering, run over the heart of love that you are guarding with the burdensome load of concrete walls. You must yield to the moments of pain and the inevitability of loss without loosing yourself.
Guard, don't Preempt, you are not supposed to be untouchable, rather be an accessible human being, who is also ready to reject a handshake if the greeter smells like shit.
Mind your mind, mine your mind and make sure that your mind, is "mine" (your own) and all may very well be fine. Read this sentence twice or until you truly understand it.
The mind is the connecting rod between the divinity of the spirit and the actions of the body and if it malfunctions no inspirations of the spirit can be actualized and a totally healthy body becomes a useless tool. Often, I find very healthy people who invest so much in physical fitness but have not fully exercised their minds. I also find very spiritual people who are mentally aloof to the base realities of life, sometimes you find people who have a good spirit and a strong body but without a fitting mind to make "good use" of the 2.
The journey to A Meaningful Life, requires a strong, alert, tuned and resilient mind that can adapt your Visions to the physical realities of life while not forgetting the Esoteric inspirations behind the journey. It must be able to tune in and out of conversations and life, visions and realities, gleaming insights, setting course while resisting discouragement and finding stability in storms.
It must be adapted to the peculiarities of your own specific journey such that its tolerances, urges, propensities and range is adequate for the needs of "Your own" meaningful life.
the mind of Elon Musk is not something I desire, he does not have Africans to lead, the mind of Peter Obi is not desired either, he might not have my generation to compete with, in all my respect for Otunba Mike Adenuga, I do not need a Glo mind, I need my "own mind" to be in the best possible conditions because my meaningful life and theirs, have no convergence, with all due respect.
MIND YOUR MIND: The mind needs active development of its physical properties, held in the brain, its mental expansion is an active process that must be Consciously managed as such you must actively seek out knowledge in line with your fields of interests and the world you intend to create. You must actively mind your mind, regulating both what is consumes and in what volume and also regulating what it should not consume, such that your life is not filled with pornographic images of unrealistic life goals that do not tune to the life you are chasing.
MINE YOUR MIND: The minds depths reach far beyond its consumption, into the realm of creative analysis, Introspection, Cognition and other inputs of your own individuality into the concepts and ideas that you have filled your life with through your readings, education and experience. You must have every ability to mine your mind to make the most of what you know and add the custom modifications that who you are can contribute to the final output.
A mined mind, delivers in output, a much more useful range of mental contributions to your journey than can be achieved by just thinking on the surface or copy and paste.
YOUR OWN MIND: Your mind must be your mind, because your journey is your journey and you are on the road to your own meaningful life. You must be careful to actively develop your thought processes and ideas such that you are thinking about your life and not trying to fit into any molds that have been proposed by society, environments, Parentage and other eco-systematic or conditional factors that seek to limit or Overextend you. This is proberbly the hardest thing to do because life is pressured on all sides and it is often hard to squeeze yourself out of the mold and not come out with some deformity that is as a result of all the pressure.
To own your mind, focus all your mental development on the Visions for your life and work to ensure that you are not driven by mere Ambitions but by a clear vision for life that is founded on your nature and the things it attracts naturally to itself. (Feel Free to Re-Read VISION here).
The body carries the load.
It is the Brain that houses the mind and the Heart that tends to the spirit and even when the Magicians wants to make something disappear, he needs his hands for the wand and his mouth for the incantations.
The Body is not a childs play, it is the play ground for all of the other Activities that Emanate from the inspirations of the spirit and as such a heathy body is essential to the execution of your visions. The mind for all its interpretations of inspiration cannot carry them out by itself, in fact it cannot even merely write out its ideas, talk less of to achieve them, without the necessary compliance of the body.
Most of us, easily understand how to take care of our bodies because the task is physically evident. For most it is a simple regime of Food, Cleanliness and Exercise but achieving any of these is a tall order that I hope you can finally get the tools to overcome in this humble article.
FOOD: food is arguably the easiest way to take care of your body, in fact a perfect diet does so much for the body that the rest become Negligible in their contributions but still essential. For example, if you ate all of the right things and avoided chemical foods and Additives, you would never need to brush your teeth, I have never seen a goat at a Dentist. Equally, if you ate in the right proportions, your risks of obesity will be next to 0 and Of course if you ate the right things at the right time, your risk of physical ailments will be very slim, yet we eat everything at the wrong time, in the wrong dose and with the most unnecessary condiments.
From today, seek to think about the value of your food in relation to your journey to "A Meaningful Life" and I can assure you that gradually you will begin to control what, when and in what doses you eat.
cLEANLINESS: We all know that cleanliness is essential and we all know to wash up, but what about your sexual encounters, handshakes, air purity, bed linens, bathing water and the other ways in which we contaminate our lives with adversorial additives that impact life negatively. In fact in the modern world one of the worst contaminations is our addiction to chemical cleaners and antibacterial agents which poision our bodies by making the immune system irrelevant and out of practice until a simple virus like Covid arrives and we die like flies from simple Malaria.
The world is too clean, with condom protected sex that leads to dangerous sexual Activities with unclean humans who we would otherwise never touch if we had to exchange fliuds. Soaps lead to skin so clean that simple lint causes you to fall terribly ill and your skin care regime becomes an impediment to being on time to any appointment. Teeth become so clean that your saliva is no longer saliva but an anti gingevitis agent that does too much for oral health by delivering perfectly white teeth that are brittle and cannot eat bones.
You must be clean but also recognize that the world is a component of a meaningful life and not something to fear, even germs have a role to play in our lives, if nothing else to keep you from doing the wrong things or people.
EXCERCISE: Many of us have gotten used to these modern confusions of life behind computer screens and need the gym but in the ideal, learn to swim, play some tennis, toss your kids in the air and just plain live in sweat. The human body needs to move to remain an active helper in your road to "A Meaningful Life" and you must do everything in your power to enable that experience with exercise.
For me, I recommend an active life, where the exercise is a natural component of your commute to work, cooking, playtime, gardening and other useful activities which create mental stimulation, spiritual upliftment and are useful for purpose while also ensure adequate activity for physical fitness. When this fails, hit the Gym, but like all things artificial, if you are not an athlete i find it to be an unnecessary component of life with a one track range of results. Results that can be more easily gained by choosing to walk to work, to go to the park and play ball with the kids, to swim around the neighbourhood lake and other little inconveniences and activities that can be a natural component of your daily engagement.