Modernity has created the illusion that we no longer wrestle with EVIL!
Wed.Nov.8.2023 - Ubochi Orie

The Modern World Has Blurred The Line Between Good And Evil And This Is A Dangerous Norm.
The African Renaissance Order, derives its principles of "Communion" from the foundation of pre-colonial African Traditions, Orders of Worship and Cultural practices. Our Vision is to evolve these practices and ancient knowledge into a modern "Communion" that is tailored to the edification of the African, restoring a natural level of "the knowledge of God" , the Divine, mystical, self, destiny and the perfection of the balance between self actualization and communal affiliation. At the foundation of these believes is the conviction that the "Rape and Pillage" of the African Order of Worship (Communion), was not a modernization, improvement or civilization but rather an Aberration, Violation, Destruction and Erosion of time tested human Communion, Respect for Nature, Man and God, Order in Life, Route to Happiness and a Good life that must be restored.
The Modern World Is A Heaven For Evil And The Arrow Of God, Much Puncture This Norm, Allowing The Light Of God To Flow In And An Alternate Script In Which Men Act Like Men, Women Like Women, Children Like Childred, Good People, Like Good People And We Can Begin To Clearly Seen, Once Again, And Especially In Africa, Who The Villains Are, In This Horrible Re-Adaptaton Of Gods Creation.
While the African Renaissance Order and its Practitioners, "The Arrows of God" , do not engage in overt interpretations of the "personal journey" and allow many different variations of the "order of worship" , in respect of the many different cultures of Africa and the Assimilation of a people's right to self determination, we do have central notions that are unequivocally understood to be the "universal principles of life" and one of the major ones is the need to be GOOD.
From time Immemorial African cultures have reserved a "Special Place" for "Abominations" and rewarded those in the community that came into the Affairs of men with "Clean Hands".
Good is a multi-faceted transaction that can be split into Public Good, Personal Integrity and Spiritual Righteousness. We define good as "An active contribution to the progress of man and nature, Emanating from a heart of worship, seeking no reward, and grown from a recognition of the interconnectivity of things, it is born from Communion with God, resulting In a natural love of the divine and of all creation, recognizing the role of man in the balance of the world and ignorant of gain or consequence resisting evil".
By this definition good is not a random act of kindness but an active "life" of duty, driven by a love of the Divine and of all creation. It is not laughing to unfunny jokes, or helping someone push a car, while wishing they didn't have one. it is found in the integrity of the Exercise of good conduct, the consistency of the Exercise and the fiber of the person who engages in good. That is in essence, a good physical action, Emanating from good mental intentions and coming from a good Spirit.

evil is known to all, yet in the age of social media and free thinking there seems to be an attempt to hide in plain sight the markings of the works of the devil and underworld.
Evil is also a multi-faceted transaction that can be split into Connivance, Complicity and Laxity. We define Evil as "An active contribution to the Digression of man and nature, Emanating from a heart of Selfishness, seeking Only reward, and grown from a Disregard of the interconnectivity of things, it is born Off Separation from God, resulting In a natural Hate of the divine and of all creation, Forsaking the role of man in the balance of the world and Focused on the gains and consequently Creating evil".
By this definition Evil is found in randomness, fluidity and a lack of Commitment to good. The simple absence of good, allows and assists the presence of evil. unlike good that needs and effort, evil need no effort, a key reason why it thrives. Even a Random act of kindness driven by Interests is infact and introductory phase of evil as it is born of corruption and a disregard of the Divine and of all creation. Even if you laugh to unfunny jokes, or help someone push a car, once there is no Love, the action looses integrity, Cannot be consistent, Depletes Moral and contributes no good to the world. Evil is in essence, any physical action, Emanating from Bad mental intentions And/or coming from a Bad Spirit.
It is easier to be Evil, than good. Please note that I could have said that it is "Easier to be "Bad" than Good. It is intentional that i use the world "evil". there is nothing inbetween except a gentile glid in the direction of one or the other.

As a majority the african considers evil, any actions against Destiny, Others, Nature, The Spirits and God. in essense the African believes and The African Renaissance Order agrees that a deviation from your divine course and purpose is a sin against yourself and your creator - it is 2 sins and the ultimate sin. Our Ancestors also believe that the world is alive and consequently can take offence, therefore man must conduct himself in a way that will ensure that he does not sin against nature by taking it for granted, or misusing its provisions. Finally, the African believed in the world of the Spirits, including Demi-Gods and Ancestors, who must either be resisted (where evil), or appeased (Where Good).
There was not real existence of the modern concept of Satan/Devil, as such basically intuits a rival to God to which there is none. While the African recognized the presence of Divine Creations, they were creations all the same and subsidiary to God. What we recognized as the source of evil was the failures of man, the forces of evil and the external attacks of mortals (be they Normal people or Sorcerers).
For the Africa Evil emanates from a Bad heart, the Reverberations of Bad Actions (Karma), the consequences of Ancestral Mischief (Heredity), Violations of nature and the Wickedness of Man. In essense and for the African, evil was not a naturally Occurring norm but a consequence of deviation.
A BAD HEART: The African believed that if a man wishes evil on others, he would be at risk of evil. in the African Renaissance order we agree, recognizing that the world is a cosmos and all people radiate energy. those who radiate negative energy will be default Attract Negative energy and discharge negativity into the world. As a practical example, if you go out today and decide to smile at people and great them at earnest, focused on their own good feeling and not any reward, by the end of the day, you will find yourself feeling very good, both because you Radiated good all day and also because in reaction the people you met, would have returned positive energies, with or without intent, Strictly by force of the laws of nature. The heart that thinks Joy, gives joy and Receives the joy of others in return.
BAD ACTIONS: The African believed that "You reap what you Sow", as such if a man where to spend a life killing, he would eventually experience death, either his own, or the loss by violence of the Wives or Children he prides the most. "the Chicken must come home to roost" and as such all of the actions of man, whether known to others or secret, are signatures in a book of internal records of debt that must be repaid by nature. If good, life will recompence with unwaranted harvest and feasts of blessiongs. If bad, life will eventually send to locust to his field for a refill - At all times striking balance.
HEREDITY: Why should a man whose father was bald expect hair? Beyond jest, Physical manifestations are a replica of Mental and Spiritual Standards, as such if tall men birth tall Boys, evil fathers are to be Abhorred or at best remedied with sacrifice. The condemnation of sacrifice by modern religions is a Sacrilege to the Ancient african and to the African Renaissance Order. Whereby men are willing to make the sacrifice of Exercise to escape a lineage of obesity and diabetes, why do you think that you must not find a remedy for the sins of your father, be it a prostituting mother, or a Thieving father, why do you thing that you can ride them of your mental and spiritual characteristics without mental and spiritual sacrifices akin to the need to Exercise to avoid obesity.
nATURE: When the White man came, he told those who where reverencing the Son that they were idle worshippers, those who reverence the land that they were uncivilized, now we poison our own waters with the Crude of the Niger Delta, Open defecation is a chore, No body gives a f**k about the Sun and we count the seasons with no respect for the moon. What glorious people we have become. In that time the world's seas have become more violent, they claim the globe is warming, the Glaciers are melting, the ozone is depleting, animals are going into extinction and on and on..., maybe it is time to recognize the wisdom in the ways of the african, which respected nature, Abhorred waste, practiced recycle and reverences creation as the norm and singular language of routine human existence.
mAN'S WICKEDNESS TO MAN: In Pre-colonial Africa, the strongest force of evil was the decision of one man to be an obstacle to another. Whether it was a wife that refuses to Assist the Journey of her husband and his God, or a Husband that beats children out of his wife, or a neighbour scheming on the Sons and Daughters of his brother. each instance of human wickedness, not matter how small or big, was considered an aBOMINATION.

the modern world is loaded with crass hypocrisy, whereby a man marries one wife and cheats with Men, a Woman Does not Marry at all, and righteously violates the sanctity of other homes, a child does charity and volunteer work, raising homeless puppies and Violently midwives the notion online that a Boy is a girl and a girl is no longer a thing.
The violence with which the modern world promotes evil is nothing short of a romantic comedy. Instances where The Church of England is confused as to gods definition of roles, while Simultaneously accepting the virgin birth of christ is a lesson in the wickedness of human complaisance.
Sex and Sexuality has been extremely promoted in a society that simultaneously imposes the worst prison sentences on minor sexual commentary, whereby young girls are pimped on screen and young boys are Recklessly stimulated yet and office comment from 5 years ago is sufficient to dethrone an efficient c.e.o - are we not entertained? has the world not gone made in the Hypocrisy of its presentations. the same world that argues for freedom of sexual deviance, deplatforming preachers for moral commentary.
The modern world is a heaven for evil and the Arrow of God, much puncture this norm, allowing the light of God to flow in and an alternate script in which men, act like men, women, like women, children, like Children, good people, like good people and we can begin to clearly seen, once again, and especially in Africa, who the villains Are, in this horrible re-Adaptation of Gods creation.
I have a saying "be Good - It's Good to be Good, If you know what i know about being good, you would be good". I hope that in the next few paragraph I can be successful in so unraveling the benefits of being good that you would keep it up or at least try.

In my life and in my research and as a standing teaching of the African Renaissance Order, we have found 7 essential rewards of Good, namely; 1. Equilibrium, 2. Grace, 3. Justification, 4. Love, 5. Joy, 6. Seed and 7. Harvest.
EQUILIBRIUM: Good counter balances evil and is the only way to ward it off. It is understood in both Principle and folk-tales that evil never dies, but Rather is an ever present guest of human existence which must be kept at bay and the only way to keep it at bay is to never be the one to bring it home. A life of Good is the only sure fire way of ensuring a life that is good and allowing that the balance in your life is tipping in the interest of a good life.
This Equilibrium is often hard to appreciate because you will still be surrounded by evil, and in fact more so, because your reframe from evil will make the sight and sounds much more visible and audible, seeming as though the world is after you. For example, an African Civil Servant in the Police who refuses to take Bribes will seem to always get the worst postings as they do everything to try to change you or keep you far from any ability to Interrupt their evils.
GRACE: No matter the times, even in these horrid ages of dark sexual media, Innocence is elevated. This is because the Good, the Clean, the Godly is attractive. In being good you cover yourself with a halo of positive energy, natural influence and divine Effervescence that both attracts eyes and the good things of the land and nature.
A key reason why many fail to recognize the virtue of this grace is because of the teasing that will come from the people who lack it and the vicious attempt to invade this Pure light that will come from the sons and daughters of Darkness. The virgin will attract more men willing to pay untold sums to strip her of her grace and equal numbers of women who in envy will tease to rid her of her elegance.

JUSTIFICATION: A central theme of the Igbo Communion is the notion of "Offor", which is Loosely defined as "Moral Right". it connotes that the person who lives a good life earns a "Moral justification" for good tidings. Being good, earns you upstanding among people and the Moral Right to be treated with goodness in return, both by man, nature, the Spirits and the God, as is a key path to riding yourself of the dirty dealings of ancestors and restoring a good name to your lineage. In the modern world Brand names and Legacies are clearly derived from a track record of fareness quite akin to "Offor", yet the world seeks to push such values out as corporate and not moral virtues, to colour the ways of good in an intellectual confusion that does not encourage its assimilation.
Many fail to achieve this benefit because even when good, they allow the world to convince them into tit for tat responses to human crimes against them, with every risk of accidentally miscalculating the true weight of a pound of flesh and in so doing, inflicting the damage and swapping positions with their tormentors. Recently a Friend of mine introduced me to the Igbo Notion of "Offor na igu", essentially being to both be Morally right and willing to then be further injured, maintaining both Moral Right and Sacrifice, rather than risking offense. This is truly a hard standard in a world that tests your every sensibility, yet when you commit to a service of Good, it become easier to "loose than allow yourself to get lost."
LOVE: Love is a beautiful thing, both to give and to Receive. I credit my mother with the greatest Expression of this in my own human existence and my Children as the greatest benefactor of this in my own actions. Love is an overpowering support that is the greatest counter to fear and hate, both of which are the root causes of the majority of human suffering. When you are good, you have the Privilege of also believing that people can be good, appreciating them when they are good and benefiting for the Nourishing goodness of man's goodness to man. When in love or inspired by love you powers as a being is amplified in defensive Strength and creative power allowing for a life of excellence that no be achieve through any other means.
The challenge many face is in the visibility of hate and the potency of fear both of which seem more rampant and free than love. many have loved to discover betrayal and equally many now confuse Infatuation and ambition with love. So kindly allow me to define it. love is "A natural affinity to a person, thing or course of action, flowing from an Innate connection, undefined by reward in relation to similar objects" it is not an "emotion feeling" but a "Spiritual connection", emotions being mental and Connections being divine. Many are trapped in infatuations that fail, or are dejected by true love which flailed, in either case, no one can ever discount the beauty of any moment, affair or production, born of pure love. love, at all cost and at some point you will master the connections and gain so much more from its presence than its loss, that you will know clearly that the worst tragedy is a life without it.
JOY: Genuine happiness and joy is a rare feet in human society. I have known it for 20 years now. It can only be fed from the contents of your heart. It isn't about freedom or jail, celebrations or mourning, it is an Effervescent, ever-present reward of a life of good. it is god's platitude to the children who dare to follow the dictates of their father In-spite of the whippings of their Kin. Joy is not momentary excitement, it is a permanently resident euphoria that is hard to comprehend without experiencing it. if you have never experienced it, trust me, it is worth a try and it can only be had through a good life. Many times friends and family have accused my of being "effectively without a heart", due to the ease with which my mood remains the same in-spite of the prevailing circumstance. aware of the supremacy of god and basking in the joy from moral righteousness, the divine protects me from the most saline cuts of human evil and material events, natural to the course of life.
Many fail here because they are not patient enough for the rewards of being good to flow through and other because they fail to recognize that the rewards show up in who you become as a consequence of the sacrifices in refusing to participate in often exciting Sacrilege.
SEED: The evil man those not plant but rather invests in the uproot of the hard labour of others. he consequently never experiences the Honor of labour. Seeds, be them children, plants or inventions are the basis of honour for man in this life and after. thieves achieve riches but often without virtue their names wither away as quickly as they are buried and sometime even in life, as the Honorable man outshines them even in the lights of their own wealth.
It takes faith to plant in a world that seeks to take, and faith is principle to communion with God. In seeding you confirm your faith in the almighty to bless your labour, faith in nature to nurture your works, faith in man, that he is still worth the investment of your lifetime. faith that honours you with the Privileges of creations and the adoration of others.
HARVEST: All of these are crowned if sustained by a meaningful life, a worthy existence, a record of humanity as a good product of creation and God, Nature and Man - if you withstand the pressure, will always crown the journey of a good man with a farewell banquet.

Many will never get here because it is the end and many confuse an enjoyable life with the fleeting moments of glitz and glamour that is the average fairy tale. Life is not a movie, it is a farm, which you are gifted but must Plan, Till, Plant, Weed, Guard and in the end harvest. The harvest of a life of Good living is the greatest gift of the journey and signs are along the way, as the plants grow and the seasons change but no matter how great the life, you must wait till the end for the harvest.
A good life is not a life absent of struggle, it is the opposite. It is fair representation of Good by fighting as aggressively to defend creation as the evil man fights to strip it of value.
The good man is not a quite man, he is an active participant in the human story who should be able to point to the sacrifices he has made to save lives. This is the only worthy reference when mirrored with the death and destruction of the forces of evil. as death kills, the good man must save, as death destroys the good man must build, as death takes the good man must give, as death hates the good man must love and as death breeds fear, the good man must spread love.

The Good man is not a lazy man he works, he is not a passive man he acts, he is not a Silent man, he speaks up in action and even wars against the forces of evil.
Often people say Weird things like "Good guys - finish last", huh?, Good guys - Finish Good Guys. The do not aim to win every price not every princess is a bride, do not need to strick out to leave the pitch when the rules of the game are evil, they do not need to fail to walk away from bad deals.
Good is a "nature" an Acclimatization of a way of life that does not Concede its character to evil. It is rare as is pure Evil, however if you can take the journey, you will never regret it. but it must be a whole hearted Commitment to the ideal, to God, Nature and Man, against all odd. Anything less is a complacent engagement that will make you a victim to the forces of evil.
The good man is not afraid of evil, it is darkness which runs when light arrives.

this is a syndicated Article Released Every Friday and taking an Unbiased Approach to unraveling the implications of the weeks leading events to the Lifes of My People.
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