Like breathe, greatness is a gift of God and men don't have it to give!

Wed.Feb.7.2024 - Ubochi Nkwo


The very foundation of that gift, is the inspirations of the spirit and the willingness to inhale at all cost, the breathe of God, over any brand of oxygen in a tube. 

When a young man who has never had a full stomach since birth, dreams of feeding the village, it could only be one of 3 things, Delusions (Driven by his angering hunger), Ambitions (Driven by his egoistic imagination) or Instructions (Driven by the inspirations of the Spirit).

When a child, whose father is 4 feet 4, dreams of being 6 feet 4, same deal. When a man who is married to 2 barren women, dreams of a family of 5 Boys and 5 Girls, when a lady who is 35 dreams of a love fit for teenage movies, when a child of slaves, dreams not only of his own freedom, but the restoration of his entire people to a pride of place, same deal. 

Inspirations are the spirit of a man connecting with his destiny and pointing a way in the darkness, in the glaring Absence of light. It is like dialing in to a radio frequency and connecting to a program that only you can hear, a program of the Gods, designed to guide you through the maze of life and allowing you, in clear choice, to be able to choose this, instead of that. A pathway to the "impossibilities made for you".

It is an activating force for greatness, that allows the application of energy and self needed to force the world of the spirits to let go of inventions, Seeds, Gifts, Talents and all excellences of life, so that a dim lit flower in the back of the brush, becomes the "Belle of the Ball".

From time immemorial, the African has believed in the finite nature of creation, Not finite in the sense of a negative rigidity but finite in the sense of a concluded presentation of excellence that only requires a man to find a path and stay the course, with the assurance of gifts and graces at the end of the Journey. This is also what the Arrows of God Believe.



Inspiration is the unimagined, unrequested, unvetted reception of Unimaginable, Undreamable, Vetting impossible results for the journey of your life.

If it is realistic at the start, feasible with a visible path, Easily adapted to your present conditions, it is not inspiration but a mere idea, which although practical at sight is more impossible to ensure that the impossibilities that inspiration suggests.

And for clarity, inspiration never "Merely Suggests", it first inspires, then prods, then disturbs. It isn't a quite companion, but a violent noise, that can drive one to madness.

Yesterday, I had a dream, from night to morning, about someone who could careless about me, and whom I am angry at, frustrated at and have little interest in dealing with at the moment, yet the spirit knows best and is now more violent in reminding me of my role and Responsibility in their life and the recognition, that it is eye who has seen clear visions for them and must ensure it, against all odds... And I will listen, that is the importance of knowing who to believe.

inspiration is given because God knows that we are in a world of pressures and "realities", blinding physical manifestations that threaten our ability to follow the path of excellence and to end in a life that is a total rendition of the true possibilities for our life.

Inspiration is a reminder of the divine plans for our life, inspite of the errors of our parents, ancestors, world, government, spouses, children and the other pressing darknesses of the world, that often blind us from our divine mandate and threaten to confine us to a life as "Normal", ordinary being who cannot benefit from the growth that only the fruits of the spirit can enable.



The first impact of inspiration is the enabling of a "Leap of Faith", allowing you to slowly step out of unnatural shells into the more fitting clothing of a life in God and the light it presents to the world on all things of life including physical inventions, Social initiatives, Economic strategy, Personal choices and all things in life that are good and "FOR YOU".

The Arrow of God, is focused on a life with God, in which actions are not merely driven by visible and normal approaches but by the hand and approval of God.

My people have a saying, when something is amazing "Akachukwu di ya" (the hand of God is in it), in pure translation it is less a sentence and more a treatise on the varying degrees of impossibility that needed to be scaled to active the subject of discussion.

To achieve the things in life that are truely incredible and end in a satisfaction with your existence and the God of our creation, the Arrow of God must take a Leap of Faith. Guided by inspiration, He or She must jump into the pool of areas in which he or She cannot currently swim and is Ill-equipped to survive but to which the Prodding of the spirit has pointed as a place in which they will dominate and tame the Impossibilities of this world.

Often I get the question of why God does not point clearly at the destination, The truth is that God is not crystal clear, but rather 100% "Clear eyed" clear. in essense, it isn't God that lacks clarity in communicating our destination, it is rather the cloudy eyes of unbelief that makes us fail to take the leap of faith into the pond of uncertainty. In fact, often people know at first, the best things to do but then they talk away, think away and even pray away inspiration because they "cannot see", how it is possible, to get from where they are now, to where the spirit is proposing.

The Arrow of God, must leap, because God is not a man, that the inspirations of God should be a mere suggestion and the spirit in a man is much more accurate (being of god), than the mere and limited visibility of eye sight, which by the way, is also a gift of God, but less visionary.



Inspiration is not merely a light in the darkness that leads you out of darkness, but rather, the raw hand of God, holding you through storms, to escape unscathed from the most incredible whirlwinds that men and women of greater Strength could not near to sight but which you now ride in like a Horse you raised from birth.

Whether sports, theatre, theology or culinary arts, in marriage, courtship or divorce, In birth and quantities, Raising and loosing, life and death, at all points of life, the Arrow of God believe that God delivers inspiration on the "single" pathway to a life in God and yes it is singular.

At all points In life there is only one response that is perfect, one word that must be spoken, one though that must be had, one song that must be sang, one thing that must be done. There lives the hand of God.

I like to tell people that "Life is an accumulation of days", it tallies that a life of extreme achievement is the result of heeding inspiration, then jumping in the pool and depending on the hand of God for any chance of survival.

It is in the hand of God, that a life of achievement is found. The Invincible hand of God, that is much more useful, powerful and assured that any visible routes and traditional missions that are suggested to you by man and the winds of life.



life in God, is Magic, yes Magic. Your life by design is a miracle, breathe is a miracle, ask the dead, Birth is a miracle ask mothers in waiting, Life is the greatest Miracle and the Magic is in your Commitment to following the inspirations of the spirit and heading down the road of life with confidence in God, long enough for a Pigeon to jump out of the hat.

When you begin to believe God and begin to move in the direction of your most earnest inspirations you will begin to see patterns and trends that were not visible to you before. You will begin to experience simple miracles (or accidents as some may call it), coincidences and more that build your faith in the possibility of the impossible.

These simple magics are what will prepare you with the confidence to continue on the road not travelled, on the paths that challenge convention and on the destinations that seem often unattainable and in some cases evidently inhabitable, even if you reach them. Believe the simple magic and follow through.



Inspiration is the first step, a prodding sensation that points you towards the possibility of the impossible. It is not actually that it is possible and you cannot see it, it is actually truely impossible, but with your belief and the hand of God events will occur to rally the rest of the world towards the achievement of the dreams of "little ole you".

The Arrow of God believe that the Universe is alive, much like our ancestors did. we do not worship but "must" recognize the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, Earth, Fire and Water, Sky, Land, Blood, Kin, Ancestors and Neighbours and above all, in worship and complete submission, "without" edit, GOD.

When this is done and a Man begins to face life without concern for the arrogant looks of the beasts of the world, events will begin to occur that alter reality and accumulate muscle from all of creation to ensure the achievement of those "one offs", that God has designed for your "Glory".

At a later date, I will write on "Ifeanyichiukwu - Impossibilities Made for Me", it will be an extract from my book, which will be published next year as a celebration of the incredible journey that I have had, in the service of this God.

i am an evidence of impossibilities being mauled into child's play by the hand of God and more coincidences than is usual, such that it seems like everyday is an accident that propels and evil is a friend that chases me around in the direction of the ideal and wishes me much more well with its devilish designs than the realistic advice of friends, which if followed would have left me normal, a sad thought now, if I compare such a natural disaster with the man I have become.

The Islamic Poet Rumi said "As you start to walk on the way, the way appears", and such is the story of inspiration. When you bite into the dreams of God for you, you enable a universal chain reaction of events, where the Sun, the Moon and the Star, Life, People and Animals, Stone and Weather patterns, begin to engage in a wierd dance to the beat of your life's drums and gradually begin to revision reality until you can have the visions of your inspiration as a reality.

Before Nnamdi Azikiwe and his generation, African independence was an impossibility and while many credit World War 2 and the pressures on Europe, I know that with their birth and Inspirations, the world was forced to turn and even the war by the Europeans, are a consequence of the Gods of Africa, making mad, Churchhill and Hitler.

The African believes that "He whom the Gods want to destroy, they first make mad", it is also evident that "He whom the Gods want to Enthrone, will sound very mad", because "Chi na Awa Eze" (God divines the King), and in that selection, in art, or Music, or Power, he does not ask for clearance from the realities of life, but simply needs you to "Step in the way", dark or lit, realistic or hopeless, then holding your hand, he will drag you through the storms and when the evils that devoured your fathers on the same errand, meet you and see the hands of God, they will coincide, re-align, accident, capitulate and whatever else they need to do to hurtfully help you achieve your destiny, because God is everything.

This is what the Arrow of God believe.



The reason why most people cannot meet a satisfactory experience of life is because they continue to listen to the noise of creation and ignore the quiet assurance of the Creator.

Who do you believe?

This is the seminal question that determines whether you will succeed in life and reach the destinations that are proposed by your inspirations or whether you "Tesla", will fail to master electricity, or "Azikiwe" will fail to achieve independence, or "Father" will fail to father a nation, or "Wife" will fail to hold your home, or "Child" will fail to be the pride and joy, that you were designed to be, for your family, community and world.

Who do you believe?

The God of all Creation, or the books you've read, made of little cuts of trees which God Made?

The woman who claims to know that you are not in her destiny or the God who revealed Rachel to Jacob at the Well?

The world of today, that says that homosexuality is an ideal, Transgenderism natural, Sexual immorality pleasure, pain now a gain or the God of all creation.

Pick wisely.

And by the way, if you ever wonder why I dare to piss off so many people in my articles by boldly addressing salacious and controversial issues like American Hegemony, Colonialization, Gender bruhaha etc., it is because I precisely "believe" God, "the God of my fathers" over anything and anyone, including the men who now foist themselves on the world as Gods.

Inspired for the liberation of my people, I put no effort to fearing men, Governments or the world of Evil, "Onye si na ya bu chi, ya me ihe oji buru Chiukwu" - Let those who claim to be God, show proof.

I believe in the world of my inspirations and the God that inspires.

Who do you believe?


  • Believe!




this is a syndicated Article Released Every Friday and taking an Unbiased Approach to unraveling the implications of the weeks leading events to the Lifes of My People.

Read with an open mind...




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