We seem so convinced that the things we see, are "realler" than our Visions!

Wed.Dec.13.2023 - Ubochi Nkwo


Why Would God Punish You, With Dreams That Won't Come True?

One of the hardest things to do is the will of God, not because it is hard to do, but because of how hard it is, to "know".

Our world has become so noisy that the reverberations of the divine has become a by sound in this chaotic symphony.

In the days when Africa, was Africa, every tribe had its own variation of what my people call "AFA" , or Igba Afa, which means "to divine" or to "seek the mind of the Gods".

In the days of old it was used to enquire on the name of children, pick wives, select crops and plots for planting, for the serious and the Mundane.

Today, many still consult Oracles, Prophets, Diviners and Men of Faith, both of the olden traditions and of the Western and Eastern Religions of Christianity and Islam. However and for odd reasons, it seems that the Gods are either quiet or intentionally hiding their will.

Knowing Is Not A Thing That Can Be Explained Because I Can Never Be You, But All Through Your Life, You Have Met Moments When You Were Certain Of Ridiculous Things. You Either Followed Them And Therefore Have Testimonies Of The Goodness Of God, Or You Didn't And Can Now Testify That There Is Something Worse Than Dying And That Is Living To Watch Your Dreams, Sail Away.

The Christians sing a song. "It's not by might, it's not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord".

A Life as an Arrow of God, must let God fire the shots. You cannot be the arrow and the bow. You cannot be the arrow and pick the target. You cannot be the arrow and hold the bow.

Consider it as follows, Destiny is the Target, the World is the Bow and you are the Arrow. God in turn controls the target, bow and arrow. You can sit well, aim right and fire and the target will shift and thats enough for you to miss your target.

Alignment with Uchechiukwu (God's will), Ogechiukwu (God's time) and Akara Aka (Your Destiny) is a trinity of simple possibilities that are so incredibly hard to dial into but is essential to hitting the easy yet impossible target that is greatness.

Note, that this discussion is about Greatness (Destiny) not wealth, Not power. It is about Children, Spouses, Wealth, Power, Grace, Love, Peace, Wholeness - in essence a complete life of purpose in which all of the things that are destined for you, both the big and the small, arrive at their appointed time and place to sweeten this existence and make your life - great.



Whenever you are sure of the shot "for no reason" , fly.

Whenever you begin to think of impossible things as possible, welcome to God's time.

I do not mean, when you begin to imagine, that is hallucination. I mean when you can begin to "practically" proximate that which only exists in the realm of fantom.

I mean when you can feel the winds align, the stars give signs, events of life and occurrences lending weight to the immediate need for your visions to take shape now. Those demands by nature for the things that only you can birth is a sign of the bow strings pulling and you must be ready to fly.

Then watchout for the noise.

In every single way. The world will throw distractions to render your efforts null and void and send you on a wild goose chase towards "seemingly" more attainable goals that are not in the direction of your visions.

When you can clearly see the outrageous, it is time for the arrow to fly. You do not need clear weather or enough funding or supporting staff, or dowry, or money for IVF or access to Political godfathers or any of the things the "reality" seems to require. Just the knowing and the faith to ask the world for support and to let the arrow fly. All with trust that God will not move the target, nor "let" it move.

The mind of God is written in time and experiences and in your heart. When you are close to people whom you should love, the time sets circumstances in motion, experiences force contact and you must listen to your heart to finish the transaction because the forces of evil will then appear with good ideas that kill greatness.

Right when you see the "destined", An old love appears, a new love arrives, Babes who were though, fall, all so that you can look around and forget to build on what you "know" to be true love.

When you are 2 feet from Gold, new job offers, a buyer for your worn tools, a beautiful wife that wants to move, all to get you to flail and fail to dig, distracted by good news that stalls greatness.

When you're about to invent solutions, a political appointment that cultures your speech, new awards that sends you on trips, University promotions that won't let you reach, just a little more, in your coveralls, or dirty overalls, passing your experiments to juniors who will fail to see the little pieces of sand that makes the bank.

Good ideas, are a sign that you are on the verge of greatness.



The greatest threat to knowing are good ideas. When they come ask yourself a question. Why did these good ideas not come first? Why now that you have a great idea?

You were not made to be ordinary. You were designed to excell and in the process entertain the Gods by stretching design.

You must however know, that this is a 2 crowd puppet show. On one side are the Gods and Spirits of Goodness who cheer when you excell, on the other are the Gods and Spirits of Evil who cheer when your fall is so tremendous that you break some bones.

These forces of evil however, do not get you to fall by force rather via loving wickedness they assassinate your dreams with the "sweets" of fake progress.

A destined movie goddess, runs out of rent money and is given quick, high paying roles in soft porn, right before her big screen opportunity, tarnishing her image and reducing her to a side show.

A destined manufacturing god, has equipment stuck at the port and is offered a cheap line of credit to import massive amounts of goods, turning him into the very person that floods the market with imports and kills manufacturing in his field and Country.

Good ideas sail in when you have found a boat to your dreams. They promise an easier ride, a safer course, a quicker pay day but never a better ride, a perfect course and the reward of vision. This is how you know that they are the devils work.

Last week, I treated the topic "Akara Aka (Destiny) That which cannot be denied!", Review it after this reading if you haven't. In us is coded Vision, Direction and Resources. That is the Ship, the Route and the Reward.

When you move in the way of the Arrow, you will find a vision, naturally fitting to your design that defines reward for you and clearly asserts what is a proper finish at each stage of the race of life. Any contributions of ideas which lead to success but in any bit stray away from the perfect visions of your "spirit" are not of God. God is not playing a joke on you, with fine dreams.

"It's not by might, its not by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord, this mountain, shall be removed".

When "Awawa wara ihe, Okike, kere ihe" (God the definition and the creator), "Onye ihe nine di na aka" (He who has the whole world in his hands), "Chiukwu na Chineke" , (The Supreme God and God the Creator), see you fit to be assigned a destiny and destination, what do you think can stop you? You.

The forces of evil, will invent ideas but they can never match the great designs of the almighty for your life, because equally as you cannot give what you don't have, evil cannot bless. When you see them, the destiny killing designs of an easy way out, ignore the noise and stay on course.

When you move in the way of the Arrow, you will find direction. Directions that are unique to you, routes that when taken, you will not need the eyes of other men to see, their ships to navigate the water or their confidence in course.

Beware when 2 feet from Gold and a day away from Proposing, people come to tell you of a better "way" that includes Postponing that which your spirit "knows" in God is now. Act without recourse to resources, the world will give the bow, all it needs once the moment is right but you must do the flying.



A house with a false wall, hiding a complete room

I do not know why, but without "faith", it is impossible to achieve greatness.

For reasons best known to God, all of life's sweetest rewards are hidden behind false walls and require faithful and blind trust to achieve.

When in doubt, test and see, dead men don't die.

I often find that people are trying to save themselves shame and the pain of failure, much more often than they are fighting to Prove God wrong. The people, we seek to please are often lost themselves and just too ashamed to tell us that they envy our confidence in God and our sure walk in a world of confusion.

Prove God wrong, and you won't be right, but you will be right on the mark, because when you shoot at the target behind the wall, you will find that the arrow passes through solids easier than air.

It seems that by design, the things that are impossible, but are made for you, are easier to achieve than the things that are easy, that are not yours.

Isn't it odd how most Medical Doctors cannot give a speech and the boldest speakers, faint at the sight of Blood. By design, what is yours is easier to reach for on mountain tops, than it is to manage an already laid out seat on the bottom of the mountain that was not carved with your ass in mind.

When you know that a certain path is yours, take it regardless of the wolves and Coals and you will find your feet cooled by unknown powers and the wolves guards as you meander through the forests of life on course to your dreams.

Test and See, because the things you see are not as real as they appear, but the things you know, are founded in God and cannot return an insult to the almighty by failing to yield to your firm faith and consistent resolve to do only the will of God.



Know, that what you see is a direct reflection of who you are.

A hateful heart will only see pain and vengence in all things. A selfish mind, will only see gain and tricks in all things. A Lustful body, will only see curves and is lured and Seized by the wrong things.

A loving heart will always feel love and care for all things. A Charing mind, will always see a chance to ease the burden for all. A disciplined body, will crave the clean and build itself to attract substance.

The conditions of your mind, body and spirit, affect sight, such that where one sees bodies bumping in lust, another sees bodies Caressing in love and love being a limited commodity, it will limit what you see as valuable to only that which is designed for you. As such you can act with confidence when anything Breaches the limits of this interest and chase it down with zero recourse to "reason".

A selfish mind will see opportunities to "conquer" markets and Seize economic opportunities, this will lead to frequent options, as all of life is filled with what to conquer. A Caring mind will seek opportunities that "Liberate" the market and the people to better lives, these opportunities are limited and do not come in every economic exchange, as such when you see them, fitting to your own abilities and purpose, pursue, like a flaming arrow.

A hateful heart will hurt as a daily affair, but a loving heart can not so easily find fitting placement for its love, as such when you find that work, that one, that thing, that place, that is yours, your character becomes a compass, your spirit a needle dial, your body a tool of execution, all perfected for the moments and events that arrive, which others cannot see, Feel or Know, but which is perfectly fitted for the Peculiarities of your arrow tip.

You, are the common denominator of life and the world is waiting for how you add, subtract, multiple or divide the equation.

By design, having chosen to follow destiny, forsaking Good options and focusing on the Will of God, Ignoring the noise and wise counsel of those who cannot see your dreams, now listen and the sound will be clear, on what it is only you can do, and what it is that you must do.

Knowing is not a thing that can be explained because I can never be you, but all through your life, you have met moments when you were certain of ridiculous things. You either followed them and therefore have testimonies of the goodness of God, or you didn't and can now testify that there is something worse than dying and that is living to watch your dreams, sail away.

In either case, If you see one again "DO". Dead men don't die but to live knowing that you knew and was too Afraid to fly, is not a life I wish for you.


  • Arrow of God!



the Arrow of God Series is an unabashedly African take on the worship of God, the Divine things of Life and the Concept of a Life that is Morally just, Spiritually upright, Human in the most Divine possibilities that it holds.

My intention is to convey without apology, a personal view of God, Life, Nature and the World, as well as personal choices, ideals and the ways to a worthy expenditure of the breathe you now hold - Skewed with intent to Restore an African view of human excellence.

In view of my position as the Curator of the African Renaissance Order, it takes on the name "Arrow of God", a title taken by those among us who chose the divine mandate to live a life of service.

Read with care...




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