For all who walk in the way of their maker, the toughest days are any in which there are in fact clear solutions to your problems, which you must pass on.
Wed.december.18.2024 - Ubochi Afor

On Wed.August.7.2024 - Ubochi Orie, I treated the topic of LOVE, that article is about what love is and is not, feel free to read it here (Arrow of God - Love!). This article is about Love as a directional tool that is the best guide to the will of God for your life
There are so many human ambitions which we foist on God, as a responsibility after the pregnancy has been consummated in God's Absence.
In all of these human ambitions, love is the most frequent excuse, yet it is never truly love.
In its general presentation as a positive emotion and a generally good underpinning for career, marital choices, passion and other life choices we often lord it on God to accept ever new redefinitions of this very divine signal and in the process we encounter heart ache in the Garden of Eden.
Love is the word that am talking about, it is singular and I don't think it should have a plural version. No loves, just love.
In the domestication of love to the singular, it finds its resonance on God and perfection and in that singularity also, it finds its enemy. Among men, who has time to wait for a single moment when moments are passing by all the time, a single choice when choices seem to be ever increasing yet limited in the ones we can access, a single love, when the club is popping and "boody, boody, boody, boody rocking everywhere".
In singularity Love finds its greatest use, compass, in this singularity it makes its space amid the confirmation of fit, in this singularity it settles into its position as the only way for man to walk with God.
But there is so much more to life than 1 option, 1 choice, 1 way, isn't there?
There in lies the challenge, there are no 2 right ways to a single destination, perfection is a singular event, it becomes a final and definitive nothing that leaves absolutely no room for option 2 or plan B.
God is love and absent of the perfected synchronization with love which leads to the place where God lives or wants you to be, all other acts are "lame" in their wasteful consumption of life without adding a single bit of usefulness, filling any of the voids whose space you seek to fill nor doing any good in placing (positioning) you on the path to God, or even your own path (What you would choose to do) - if you were granted the mere and limited view of human hindsight.

In some African Traditions, one who appologize to an Animal, pray for it and remind it that it was being raised for a day before killing it - A reverence for all life, that is found in an awe of God or Love?
In all my studies, the African has been conveyed as a loveless people. Since the Arrow of God is written from the angle of communion with God and man with respect to the African orientation, I must start by introduction you to the African position on Love.
Across Africa, our peoples maintain a deep reverence for the divine and a "paramount" respect for the will of the Gods.
This is found in all aspects of our culture from names, to market days, approach to rivers and water ways, habits and traditions in raising, keeping, eating and even merely killing animals.
Our lives from time immemorial, were guide by a collective understanding that every disorder is a mis-step and that if we align with the Gods, life will fall into simple place, perambulating in perfect precision to a rhythm of a tune that only the Gods can play, a tune to which men should dance without daring to ask why, not out of fear but out of a clear knowledge that the interruption of the divine flow, will not bring disruptions to the world of the Gods but rather to the affairs of men, often with vicious consequences for the immediate perpetuators of such insolence.
The Europeans saw this as "darkness" in our Gods, or maybe they merely took advantage of this hurtful efficacy of the rewards of disobedience to lure our wives, children and weaklings ab initio. I take the latter view, because our Gods were not only quick with retribution, they were perfectly bountiful on harvest days also. Being that God is not a topic for children and the african spirituality lent itself to male performances, the perceived victims of our Gods (wives, Children and the Indolent) became tools of conquest in the mortal world, that have left us mortally wounded in spirit. So much so that we fail to recognize that our entire world used to spin around in love.
The synchronization of African cultures to the will of the Gods were not a fear impulse, it was an assurance in faith, founded on a culture of connectivity, whereby love led and the walk was with God and the distance of the human guests to their spirit guides was so close that misbehavior could meet a direct slap, heard by the pack, that did not need a Sunday confession for reflection. Equally so, a pleading can yield rain with no need for chemical processes and cloud seeding.
The African walked with God, today, we take decisions and can neither access runing water nor clean streams, entertaining prostitutes nor good wives, strong Sons nor heirs whose ears we can trust to hear us.
It is now that we have become a terror to our children and an enemy to our wives, precisely because we no longer Lord over them, having authority from the knowledge derived from our walk with the Gods, we now merely ride them in contest for a missing glory whose simple source we can't seem to access anymore, but one whose efficacy we have heard of and whose remnants still course through our veins as a result of being descendants of a people, whose Gods were real in the nearest sense of the word.

What is so attractive about a woman who is on the open market, that she should qualify as temptation for you? Why would a drug be your sport when footballs are on sale?
Anyone who wants a life in God must fear the alternative. Without God, "life is a 'circumventious' perambulation, and they you die...". It is a meaningless pursuit and not even much fun even if you have all the money in the world for whores and Cocaine, mansions and Supercars.
If at all a drug is necessary for you to enjoy life and your sex is bought and your rest requires more rooms than you have people in your life to fill and you need to drive fast, passing places without anywhere to visit in between, for trill or a destination, then life is not much fun is it? and you may want to pray for the African way - a quick slap that shifts you right, to avoid the thunder and lighting that will eventually strike you, if you don't relay and plug back into the single line rail tracks of God's design.
Fear the alternative. The only good option after the perfect wife are samples of good women, who fit the bill but don't take your currency. The only good option to the Son's you should have are Daughters who are great at a man's work but are therefore too masculine to give you the simple pleasures that is stored in a girl child. The only good option to your best career, is a great job that over pays the bills but leaves you working and feeling the heat, drained at the end of each day, when there was one other thing you could have done, that would have been just as much work, maybe more, but whose constitution to your makeup would have made a digging in a Mine equivalent to a decent to lower temperatures, work, a past time that is entirely worth your time.
Oven for others, meat pie maker for you.
Outside of perfection, there is nothing but good at best, it could be worse but can never be any better, because once you have missed the best, the only thing left is everything else but the best.
Fear the alternative. There is no second option to the perfect will of God, that is worth looking into.
Better to pluck your eyes and let God lead than to use your eyes and watch God leave. This is the secret that the african knew that led him to classify sin as "Alu" (Abomination).

What is so attractive about a woman who is on the open market, that she should qualify as temptation for you? Why would a drug be your sport when footballs are on sale?
I believe that Love was placed in us as a compass, that is why children have default Love for their father and mother and naturally abhor the vile members of the family you trust, while sitting comfortably on the lap of the womanizing uncle that you fear, because while we all know that he likes to dip and dab, the spirit in the children very well know, that he doesn't "play" with kids.
You cannot Love your enemy. even when you have brought in devils in your house, study carefully, go back down memory lane and you will discover a misstep or 2, a bit of a selfishness, agenda and use that led you down the tube and sucked in what you wanted as suckers, that are now suckling you.
Love in its purest form is a process of eliminations that rules out almost everything, almost all the time because the things that you need are only this or that and not a thing more.
Love singularizes your options and makes a visit to the Car Dealer, Dentist, Job interview, Date etc., a simple multiple-Choice question in which the options are No, Yes and I don't care. More often than not it says no and you still pick the i don't care, many times when it picks the Yes, you make it no because its choices, while tethered to God, does not often make sense in the world of men.
Imagine meeting a girl way out of your league and the multiple choice says yes, is it mad? Imagine meeting a guy, the homeplace of corruption and Love says yes, is God not a joker?, Imagine that you don't desire any houses, except the one on the hill, even though you and your parents live under a bridge that is not even near the bottom of the hill, is this not temptation?, Imagine changing the world, as a black Son of Nkanu Land, not from America but changing it all, into a fairer more prosperous world, :starting in Nkanu land", are you not entertained...? would be a fitting scream to the heavens who seems to be the only one laughing at what appears to be a very cruel joke.
Yet judging from my own life, in Love with my people. That Love has been a guiding light that has opened up capacity and has led to How i write, What i dare to Draw, The things I "have" to Speak, who i am, impossible refabrications of the man i was at the start of the journey, simply because in love i found a way that leads to God and all of the glory that now emanates from me, are the direct reflections of my continued walk with God.
Love is a compass which leads you to God and the things of God that are specifically layed out on the journey of your life for your own sake. In love you will find the right friends and loose the wrong ones, the right trends and miss the hype, God's anointing and not a pipe, because if you dare to move with the spirits, you will already be way too high to have an appetite for Psychedelics.
Love leans you in the direction of God by tipping the scale in favour of the decisions that are in your best interest, even when the facts are all against it. This is why Love is entirely too powerful an emotion.
by designed it is created to over power society, ambition, Interests and Needs.
However, if any bit of hate is allowed in you, that is an equally powerful emotion. This is part of the problems with the African.
In a counter productive use of knowledge, the enlighten African hates the colonist/hegemons and abhors even the truth of their ways. I look at the European with loving eyes for my people, as such i can never Serve their ways, yet I can extract every virtue from it because I am not enamored by hate such that I cannot see virtue in them or God in the life of my ancestors, whose ways their hate destroyed. For the rest of this article, I will teach from the Bible, because the best value of my ancestors was their openness, which allowed their conquest but was a gift of Love for all of Gods creation and I will be like them, equipped now with further knowledge to attend to the things of men but still a victim to the leadings of the spirit and ever yearning to be near enough to God for loud slaps and not thunder and lightning.

I have had the great privileged of God tripping me. I have failed so much. Enough to not have gotten the good things that were so easy to reach, long enough to see the juicy fruit high in the trees, a clear confirmation that it would have been a mistake, to have filled my stomach with the low hanging fruit, that were simply not that good.
In marriage, in business, in sport, in residence, in 1st child and the order of the rest, in cars and clothes and choice of phones, there is only one option, that is ideal - and it is only that one, that you need.
often we load up life with a collection of nuisances that make for a cacophony of sounds but not a simple rythm of music.
What is the point in marrying a beautiful woman, from a wealthy family, with a nice character, when god has reserved an Average beauty, from homelessness, who is rude, just for you?
in common sense, your choice makes sense but in the nonsensical and dynamic methodology of God it is not the beginning alone that determines the excellence of a choice.
years down the line, the beautiful bride eats her life away, while the average beauty is fit without the gym, the rich man's daughter forces you to become a rich merchant, while the homeless wife strives to feed the children while you chase your dreams of being wealthy, the Nice character was merely learned behaviour and habit, while the rude girl melts in love and overtime becomes adorned with the glory of a woman in grace, a tipping scale in your life that fixes as much for you, as you fixed for her, when you listened to God.
Left without Love, i would have remained in America as a very successful immigrant, probably one of those Nigerians we celebrate as breakers of the glass ceilings for both Africans and Black Americans. I would have probably married a very beautiful Anambra woman who is making a beautiful bride to some lucky man, I would have been living my best life, probably without knowing what I was missing, filled to the brime with success but not full.
Following love, I now know life in the shadow of my ancestors, battles everyday, a near war for a life, on a journey to rescue my people from default servitude by 1st serving Gods they had long abandoned and fighting for a race of people, who would trade my soul for an American visa.
This required a crude submission and unintelligent acceptance of the decrees of my spirit. The consequences are that in the midst of the nuisance that is our Governance, Economic and Social order... in the midst of fraudulence in place of spiritual leadership, amidst battles with even my own family for the very soul of our shared ancestry, I am full, fulfilled, satisfied and with deep clarity that there is nothing else in the world, that I, I specifically, should be doing.
That assurance is found in the singularity of my Love for my people and the knowledge that what it is we are and our work, is one and the same, and no matter how grand the story, each foot must follow the other on the journey of a thousand miles and I can tell, that my right foot is not stepping on any of my left toes.
This is not a vote for Polygamy or monogamy, for 1 minded careers or polymaths, for the Girl child or boys and Girls. The singularity of love is not a limitation on the multiplicity of blessings, however, all best things are coded in time and place and how do you know when it is time and if you are indeed in the right place?
it is in Love that God sets the signal. if it is not a perfect fit, it is not a fit at all, God does not sew oversize, nor does God not have your measurements.
Whatever it is that you are doing, if it requires an option 2, it is not in the 1st place option 1. God is not a supermarket and your iife is not generic, as an original your decisions must be this not that, that not this, never this or mathat.

the 1st task of Love is to help you to select the things that have use.
What use is anything that you have, if it is not useful for you or you to it?
The pre-colonial African tradition was to limit acquisitions to what was actually useful. The Arrow of God does not shoot down animals for fun, hunting cannot be a pass time, you kill, only what you will eat.
With this in mind, where is the room for Looting in governance, where will you find the need for a Harem in stead of wives, where will you find the use for an abuse of daughters who you birth and bear your name, who seeds will look at you in love and run to hug their Grand pa.
When you walk in Love you will only find a need to accumulate the things that are useful and Love itself will point to them.
I have no degrees because while I have love for learning, no certificates are needed to learn. In a genuine love for learning, I have no additional use for the layered evidence of a University degree. this however can be the exact opposite for a Doctor, whose love for health and caring for people, requires a degree and certifications. This love makes the degrees useful and assuages the pain of the often excess of classes that are needed to gain human approval for a work whose true experts are those who are called (by God) through love to practice in Love and not profession.
If something is useful to you, you will Love it, that love being an initial attraction that enables you to overpower any impulses to move along and enables you to pursue the often undefined, which in the moment is just another thing, but in preference and submission, is ordered to - in time, express itself as a most useful decision.

There are things that are not your size, which you will learn to fit, material events, people and developments which you are suited for, but which as at now, do not seem to be a right fit, but as you comply with the will of God, will be revealed as tailor made for the growth you will encounter, when you walk with God.
If you had shown me the projects that i am working on now in 2005, I would have believed in their possibility but i would not have understood my role in all of it. I am also sure that while Elon musk dreams of space travel even as a child, he probably did not imagine roles in a Presidential Election.
In life we are led by love into forests that we will turn into gardens and deserts whose trees we will restore.
We meet women who are wonderful and pass them, on the journey to basic women that are a wonder that surpasses them. We miss children at our desired age to have the right ones at an older stage when we are mature enough to appreciate the need to talk in detail to a 4 year old. We fail auditions for easy roles, to be a fit for the perfect role.
Love in its singularity, directs us to a place where we find our fit, our perfect fit.
now, it is odd that I mention Use and fit, what is the difference?
Use in Love is a qualifying feature that enables you to trim the fat on the journey with God. When something or someone is not useful, it is easy to understand that they are not a companion for your journey. Note that often people are not useful to you but rather, it is you who is designed to be useful to them, but there must be use for everything you do, either for you or for them.
Fit in Love is a Confirming feature that enables you to continue in confidence, that you have not in mercy or timidity, coersion or error, diverged to seemingly useful interests and general usefulness that are not for you, or part of your jouney.
"And Jacob saw Rachel and she was fair..." (Genesis 29). what exactly did he see? Did he see Joseph, his children and Legacy or was it her complexion? I suspect that as one who walked with God, he saw a fitting companion for his walk with God.
In the walk with God, you may fail and still see clearly that you are shooting in the right direction, your arrow pointed right, position right, winds right, time not time. You can with each shot feel greater confidence that what you are doing is the right fit for you, that you are not supposed to be doing anything, or anyone else, this can be so, even when the results of your Commitments have not yet come.
Fit is how you feel when the house resembles the home you want for your family and not that it looks like a Celebrity crib, but that it feels like there is not another place you can live.
Fit is how you feel when the girl calms your spirit, not because she resembles a famous Actress but because with her you feel at home, she fits in ways that you cannot explain nor attempt to replicate.
Fit is how you feel when you look at your Sons and Daughters, your work and productions, your world and your role and you can tell that there was no other order, no other way, no other place but you as you are, stuck in this particular order of things.
To find fit, all of the hats you wear, must have been selected by love, not choice but negligent yielding to the higher sensibilities of inner senses that prode you to invest in what your current size cannot afford, invest not to acquire, not to seize, not in greed but because you believe that you have use and can use and in the journey and in occupation with your duties the clothes of life, once oversized now fit like tailored made fabrications from God's fashion house.

"And he prepareth a table in the presence of my enemies..." (Psalm 23). Who exactly would sit on that table, if they were to use, their common sense, decide what fits and select their position?
Love enables you the servitude that is required to move like sheep and head to the point of blessing, even when you can clearly see lions in the fog. The foolish stroll of Santiago in paulo Cuelo's - The Alchemist, that led to wealth Hidden in the very same place he started his journey but which took a travel around the world in collection of all other unimagined treasures, to unlock.
I know a girl, who is the most beautiful girl in the world... she wouldn't believe me if I said it because she will not understand where I have been and what i have seen and therefore cannot be convinced that my eyes are sure that there is non better. I found her because I accepted a position that was way beneath me.
A walk with God is a position, A rank, A Line of sight - A place.
in this place, the divine sets the plates and books the meal time and the Arrow of God is now an Arrow in the hand of the create, A pencil on plain sheet, Rainbow Colours on a Canvas with no limit on what can be created, yet the result will only be on specific object, a man in his place, a single unit position, that no one else can occupy, to be blessed with an appointment that can only get gotten when you are useful, fitting and sitting right in place.
There is a specific wife for everyone and even those who will marry 5, must take them one at a time and if you are not in your place you will miss one, or capture disaster in its place. There is a Husband for Everyone and even those who are destined for divorce must stand in their place in order to marry one, after the other and not end up with a room mate.
I am in my place, even with "missed-takes", accepting the "diss to grace", men judging my many perceived failings as a result of a lack of wisdom without understanding that i am merely standing in place, at the point where my maker insists that i stand, absorbing the rains that pour there, the dryness of its Sunshine taking more than the rain, the confusion of the birds who make a tree of me, so that when it is time, i can tell the story of glory, from the same position, evidence that God is Still God.
And "He shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, which brings forth fruit in its season..." (Psalm 1).
When the African encounters death and destruction, he doesn't leave the land, he seeks the mind of the Gods, to appease the land.
Stay in place. Once you have found the character, people, works, children, spouses, place of worship that is useful and in use, Fitting and in Fit, find your place in that life and walk in love, accepting no second place but the very positions that align to the prodding of your heart, the musical numbers of ambitions, visions and dreams that call specifically to you without secondary qualifications and justifications.
just God, pointing in the bush for a man who wants a Garden and leading to a Desert the man who wants to hide in trees.
Your place in life and your position, is not found in logical things but in the idosyncratic submission to Love that allows Jacob to forget about water when he sees rachel at the well and begin to serve a man for one vision that leads to birthing the entire nation of Isreal by supernatural design.

Love makes it easy to dial into the things of God because it is impossible to Love evil.
No body can tell me that they love drugs, you can enjoy the euphoria but you cannot be so adjectly blind to its down sides to know that it is not in total, good for you.
No single way you can love a man who disregards you, even though you may have loved someone and now find their ways vile and therefore stay for nostalgia or ties.
It is impossible to love an insolent child, for reasons of necessity you can tolerate them, even enable them but their will be a diminished interest in their affairs born out of the fact that your love is wanning and is now only being held by blood ties and responsibility.
For reasons best know to you, you can be addicted to drugs, you can tolerate a wicked man and you can be stuck with an insolent child but growing love is not a possible response.
Now it is possible enjoy sex with whores but to say that you love it is a wild mischaracterization of dependency. You can lustfully attach yourself to a pretty woman who is laden with insults but if you are honest to yourself, it isn't love but maybe a lack of options.
If your focus is on love you will not settle for much of the nuisance that comes in its place. You will keep your eyes on God and trust that the best is yet to come and you must know its use and be useful, keep space for it to fit and be a fit, and let it take its positions in line with your place in the world.
Access to all of this, is the result of a frequency connection to the only tether we have to the world of the great beyond Love for good and Hate for evil.
oddly enough, even in action films and "worldly" movies, you will find the hero driven by love and the villian will always have a backstory generated and founded on hatred.
When therefore the things to pass the time come, you must be like the pre-colonial African - knowing that a slap is coming, keep walking with God and ignore the salacious temptations of greed that is in collecting things that are not useful, the wasteful over burden of taking on duties for which you are not a fit and the fake life of assuming positions that are not yours.
in each of these you loose a frequency connection to God and in your own self service the network begins to crack and you can no longer hear clearly, no are you close enough to recieve a slap that will not sound like thunder.
The longer you live a life driven by conveniences and what is available, the more you let Jamb pick the course instead of waiting a little longer, let beauty pick the wife, instead of meeting the girl at the corn stand, you let pay pick the job, instead of becoming one of the 1st employees at Space X.
I told you before that I met the most beautiful girl in the world. What is so beautiful about her?
I can tell exactly what I can use her for and what use I am for her and none of it, would be abuse. her oddities fit my idiosyncrasies and this is without a need to adjust style or features and I do not have to move from my position to have her, she can carry the weight of my massive table, placed in the center of a world of enemies, not because she wants to, but because she can, he open nature being able to receive the tools that are needed by any woman who dares to share a life with a great man.
love is not a consequence, it is a sequence, a pre-Established frequency that points us to the things of God and registers all other things as what they are - a glaring waste of time, or as my people understood it better, "Alu" - a slap waiting for the face to plump up in an unimpressive smile of self assertion, in order to deliver a God resounding rebuke of your dare to imagine that you know what is best for you.
Absence of God in a life, is what our fathers feared most because it makes one prey to vices - curse is the alternative to a life anchored on love.

like every other thing of the spirit love is too Esoteric to be Taught but it is also too natural to not feel, with the basics I have above, try your best, then read again, ever so often, over-time and as life in its simplicity clears your eyes, each of the ramblings above will make greater sense as you become foolish enough to receive the hidden meaning of the content in each line of this mad man's experience revelations.
The secret is to accept that you cannot be wise and be led by God, God is for fools and his remote control is the things you love.
the Arrow of God Series is an unabashedly African take on the worship of God, the Divine things of Life and the Concept of a Life that is Morally just, Spiritually upright, Human in the most Divine possibilities that it holds.
My intention is to convey without apology, a personal view of God, Life, Nature and the World, as well as personal choices, ideals and the ways to a worthy expenditure of the breathe you now hold - Skewed with intent to Restore an African view of human excellence.
In view of my position as the Curator of the African Renaissance Order, it takes on the name "Arrow of God", a title taken by those among us who chose the divine mandate to live a life of service.

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