There is no room in the things of God, for wiggling!
Wed.April.24.2024 - Ubochi Eke

The Supreme topic of sex is an issue for the ages, which if you are not careful will age you.
Sex is not child's play but a seminal point of human communion that is irreplicable in its unique combination of mind, body and spirit interaction.
It should be encouraged, with moderation, used but not abused. It is an essential component of life for the single and married but must be managed with extreme consciousness for its severe implications.

Often, religions and religious leaders try to domicile sex to the domain of martial activities, rejecting any other context, however the African Renaissance Order looks at it from the perspective of "organic" truth and "natural" ideals and does not get emotional about the implications of allowing sex outside the context of marriage but rather the implications of pretending that what is, is not.
Sex is by design, a mechanism of procreation, as such it is ideal to only have it when procreation with the subject of your exchange is a welcome idea. In most cases, positivity to procreation is a guage of the "righteousness of sex". However many instances exit in which sex can exist outside of the realm of procreation.
Marriage is an institution and not a natural construct as such to limit sex to marriage is to emotionally imprison possibilities, uplift scientific human constructs and limit the divine to our choice of institutions.
Sex in the context of exclusivity is a sane approach to a broadly risky business but cannot be dictated as the only grounds for the transaction of sexual relations.
In truth marriage is one of the most secure environments for sexual expression but it cannot discount or automatically negate the rights of post pubertan singles, divorcees and those who just never married from sexual interactions much like you cannot deny them the right to talk, laugh, play and just plain live with other people.
As a communion, we advocate marriage and encourage sexual relations that are encapsulated in loving relationships and driven by a desire for communion, as at its core, sex is communion.
But the Arrow of God, does not play God.

If you remove the option of artificial protection from sexual encounters, you will either catch disease or learn discipline.
By the way, why would you need protection during sex? Is that not a sign that something is wrong with your option of partners or the partnership itself?
Sex by design is a messy subject akin to drinking breast milk directly from a woman's breast, if the baby needs to pasturize the teet, it is probably not his mother's.
By design, sex is communion and when communion is had with secondary barriers, it is not communion but pleasure. And while sex can give pleasure, its design is not for pleasure or play but the transmutation of human computations that add up to connectivity and/or procreation.
Like electricity, sex with protection is like connecting power cables with a thin layer of rubber inbetween. Why would you want to do that?
If you fear disease, shouldn't you run? If you fear their seeds, shouldn't you run harder? If their fluids are not allowed to mix with yours, maybe they are just not yours?
Sex with protection is not something that the African Renaissance Order would encourage. At the least it is a sign that you are doing something wrong and at worst it is a corruption of perfection, the singular threshold that makes something sin, or in our own words an abomination.
The gifts of God are not designed for human control in attempts at family planning, free pleasure quests or plain human submission of communion to the realm of a safe handshake with gloves.

The discussion on protection will always be countered by arguments about birth control. Do you know how hard it is, to father a child?
Do you think that people get pregnant from having sex?
We have allowed science to compartmentalize our thinking such that we no longer reason about the "place" of the Gods in the "Order" of creation.
From time immemorial, our people have accepted "Fate" as a measured event that permits human interuptions. This is to say that the number of children you will have, their mother and date of birth are pre-ordained components of life and not merely determined by your aggressive adherence to birth control. You can however derail destiny with rubber misadventures.
Procreation happens when a man enters a woman with creative intentions or destructive ones. That is to say that conception is dependent on the man's actions completely. His mindset, desires, conscious permutations and unconscious thoughts, all align to aide or abate conception.
Yes, I just said that the man is responsible for whether sex ends in pregnancy or not. Furthermore he control whether it will be Boy or Girl. Yes. I just said that.
In the future I might do an article on Procreation, Fertility and Conception, for now manage me firm Insistence on this time-tested reality. note also that facts are not about what you know or like or can do, it is about what is.
Overtime humankind has come to depend on machines such that we no longer know our abilities and have relegated human ability to commercial aides like Stimulants, Contraceptives and all manner of "logically" justifiable reasons to fall far from grace and still function as if all is well.
Birth control forms the 1st "excuse" for violating our divine submission to the perfect will of God in Sex and Sexuality. It is so perfect an excuse that even religious leaders and married couple advocate its efficacy for "control".
Are we supposed to be in control of our "offspring" , which one exactly do you think should be flushed down the toilet? The best or the least? On which day of the week do they come? Which do you have now, in your house?
It is an abomination to pick for God, which child to keep. Also for you, it is a stupid move to try to play God just because the world invented hand gloves for the most commingling of greetings.
Even 500 years ago, when men did not have such gloves, women did not give birth to 20, in fact some still had just one because nature is not mad and has a rhythm if we stop playing and rather calm down and dance to the sanity of God's perfect drum beats.
To destroy the glory of human communion, with layers, rules and barriers in attempt to rule our lives, is self mutilating abomination, turning something so holy into a lust corrupted venture that is often unclean, even inside of marriages.

If I for one are put in a desperate position where clean sex is unavailable, I would much rather masturbate alone and "without imagery", in this instance offending only myself with my lack of self control or preparation for life and slightly insulting God by not following a true path that would avoided such necessity, this rather than to add salt to the wounds by inviting a woman to the exchange and masturbating inside of one of God's creations.
Any actions that have no value, is sin, talk less of actions that diminish the value of body, mind and spirit and corrupt original intent.
Unfortunately and often, the necessary conditions for righteous sexual expression is not present and the ideal candidates are not available. For example, for inmates in jail, singles and those who for environmental, economic or other conditions, cannot access the right partners, clean sex seems impossible.
In the avoidance of grave sin, sin alone but be careful.
No, I did not just advocate for sin. I only recognized human propensity to err and when you err, often redemption is over a lake of h coals.
In the ideal world, all men above puberty, say about 20 (the world doesn't order itself so precisely) and all women, say above the age of 16 should have committed sexual partners. This because nature abhors a vacuum, even in sex. And let me be clear, the absense of sex, in a post-pubertan existence is a vacuum of human communion that is essential for a balance Mental, Physical and (yes and) Spiritual life.
It is the way we have structured our world, that has made these norms abnormal and now force or aid our children into abnormal sexual interactions that are "dirty" to say the least.
When sexual relations are taken out of the context of communion and sex becomes about scratching an itch with the closest tree, that is when you get Homosexuality, Rape, F**king and all the other unclean alternatives to spending time copulating with a "desired" partner whose life force, dreams and possibly offspring we would gladly share.
What a shame.

I have always wrestled with the idea of masturbation as a person.
Despite its thrilling pleasure, it retains an after taste that shows that it is unnatural.
When something is unnatural, it is sin but sin against self is much more tolerable than sin against another.
For those who can, please avoid masturbation, this is the perfect route.
For those who can't, try to avoid the add-on features like Pornography, the imagination of sexual partners and the use of human replacements or toys.
I have come to the conclusion that masturbation is sin. I also accept that I have committed it and may well commit it in the future. This out of the weakness of humanity, a failing of my own ability to structure ideal alternatives or circumstances in which inaccessiblity to human options leave the mechanical systems in need of a flush. I state this to kill shame from the discussion so that you can focus on a way out.
This is no excuse for one to keep masturbating nor pause and live without sex. Left alone, nature will still force a cycle of your loins in wet dreams or day dreams however it ends or worse, the emotional imbalances of retained and suppressed Sexuality. These also are deviations from nature, as such the only holy option is human communion, that for which sex exists.
Masturbation is an abomination, sin, recognize it as sin (even if, Sin against self), so that you can commit to finding a natural replacement as soon as possible because man was not meant to sleep with man, including himself.
As a human arrow in the hand of the creator, I have been exposed to the human and the divine and recognize the difficult road for most humans, raised in scientific logic to retune into the divine frequency and abhor sin. Even sin as minor as self pleasure. Our ancestors managed these affairs better, because in all they understood the presence of divinity in all things and were not beholden to dumb modern logic.
As such, and not speaking on behalf of God, but speaking as a man in 2024, often quiet self facing immortality seems unavoidable on account of our own mistakes or community wide errors that has set life on an unnatural course. When on these roads, don't speed down, but also do not waste time feeling bad for yourself or feeling stupid. Just get off the road as quickly as possible and head back to nature (God).
For example, men are programmed to produce sexual remittances daily, as such the needs for the evacuation of excess luggage is tremendous and is difficult to manage if the man due to his own choices or economic state or communal environments cannot find a suitable partner for righteous evacuations of his load. Can this man be forgiven for ejecting that load on his own, in order to be able to manage daily interactions without desperation? Yes. But this is precisely the danger of starting at all.
Those who have never masturbated or who maintain a righteous stock of mates in any arrangement, run little risk of seeking these escapes. Furthermore those who are conscious to control sexual imagery and sexualized environments can also manage the pressures much better, since they never activate the urges that are natural to male exposure to sexual stimuli and only need to have the volume of sex embedded in their natural programming.

The world is so sexualized today, as to be driving abnormal sexual urges for both men and women in frequency, volume and flexibility.
In this atmosphere, sex has become a routine transaction akin to breakfast, lunch and dinner. In fact, some people consume it with such frequency, changing meals and kitchens with each rising Sun and it consumes them also, turning 20 year old women into old maids and destroying the productive energy of 25 year old men such that they are useless for all manner of procreation and have little seeds for their desired partners to give them heirs that resemble their prime.
Watch what you watch.
Personally, I do not consume social media feeds, nor most modern Western movies and cannot be found willingly in a Night club. Why would I want such stimuli?
I say personally, because I recognize the usefulness of all things, even the "Iffy", in achieving a balanced world. As such I am not directly judging the workers, owners, producers and consumers of semi erotic movies, environments and content. That choice should exist. The question is whether you should allow it to dominate your routine existence as if options are the same as a good choice.
Ofcourse, I Have Many Recommendations For The Operators Of These Enterprises But That Is An Article For Another Day, Reserved For The Arrow Of God, Whose Life Is Designed To Entertain.
Back to the discussion.
You should chose a life that is most suitable to an edifying existence and a life of pure joy and organic ecstasy. Ecstasy the drug is not a good provider of extasy the feeling. Drugs are never ideal.
Equally, the daily consumption of sex and sexual content, environments and stimulants is an unnecessary abuse of sexual systems and sexual communion such that the perfect diet, become a heavy load and the eater dies slowly from over eating - the right things.
What role does sex have in a boxing ring, but they sell it? What role does sex play in a Tennis match but they dress it?
The world has gotten to a point where religious singers now dorn apparel that whores of old would have been shy to wear and those who claim to have brought the African civilization and religion when he was "naked" , now string G's that are more revealing that Palm fronds and Waste beads.
Why would your Shorts, show your ass? Why would your Sport, show no class?
If in sports we play it naked and in songs, we strip the notes and in scripts we write to moan, what is the need for rooms and what is left to see, that needs the room? Do not condemn communion, holy, honorable, God approved communion, into a random act of intoxicated self indulgence that we have turned this perfect gift into.

Sex is not for pleasure, that is why most people find in it, undue pain.
Sex contains pleasure but its purpose is communion.
In a perfect world interactions between men and women in all affairs will be consummated in communion, with the limits set by a natural evaluation between both parties of the winds of life and the value of each to the other in the journey of life.
In our imperfect world, we created marriage as a moderating environment for the human ordering of the divine. This human intervention is also the reason why many religions violate the fluidity of divinity to dictate stricter conditions for Sex and Sexuality, than is natural.
Yes. I just said that marriage is a human construct. I apologize if I gave you an excuse to avoid it. If you wish to avoid it, come up with a better option because no where in this document am I suggesting that marriage is a bad idea but it also not natural.
Like breathing, sexual communion is a natural component of existence but sniffing shit just because it feels good, is not a mark of mental fitness. Fresh, clean air, that is what the nose desires and it keeps some features precisely to filter the filth and when you put your noise in shit, it rebels.
Sex like breathing should be the consumption of fresh and clean sex, this appraised on the basis of the natural fit between partners, natural attraction and germane commitments to the blessings of the union whatever they may be.
Where the union wreaks of lust, corruption and seduction, it is bound to yield pain not pleasure but the act itself may very well taste good yet what is good about pleasure that yields pain.
do not misunderstand me, there is nothing more pleasurable than sex in all of the activities that God has gifted man with, from Food to Breath, to the Pleasures of Sport, Swimming and Dance. Of all things which blesses our days, the intimate moments between a man and a woman can only be beat by the Caressing of a new born child.
Why would you want to do the best thing wrong, while hiring a tutor to teach you tennis. Sex in its best form is a natural pleasure, that should not lead to any pain, on either end.

When a man and a woman. Only a man and a woman, not any secondary mix or noise but in each instance one man and one woman. When a man and a woman, in genuine chemistry, biological compatibility and spiritual divinity lay together and the man penetrates her soul with all his heart, the world is at their mercy.
We are spirits and at no point are we more pointedly Gods, than in sex.
In this communion a physical interaction, mental engagement and spiritual transaction happen in simultaneous discourse. This is not possible in any other moment unless you eat a man and that is precisely what most people end up doing. Avoiding communion, we now devour parts of the other in crass, self gratifying sexual abuse of co-creators.
When I say that sex with protection is an abomination, it Peeves many precisely because in our humanization of ourselves and scientific modeling of life we have lost our divinity and can no longer order our communions such that they yield only that, which is destiny. Nor do we accept destiny enough to be aware of it and therefore be able to program life to rhyme and sync with the perfect symphony that God is "always" playing.
The Arrow of God, points his life in the direction of the perfect will of God and neither marriage nor single life anchors itself on God where the sex and Sexuality, is in itself lacking in communion.
It is apt that sex is the humans most potent weapon, as is it the only way to sustain the human race and the only point of creation that is under our control. Why would anyone seeking a life anchored on destiny and the unflinching truth in God, seek to provide himself a mate?
Why would anyone snub perfection and in conscious rebuttal of the ideal perpetuate randomness and meaningless use of the most important of human interactions.
Sex is not an act in a scene, it is the whole point of the movie.
Communion between man and woman in a conscious mixture of values. A fluid exchange that combines interactions that on the physical level alone intersects human biology, chemistry and physics. Connecting organs, exchanging fluids and sending messages of healing or disease.
On the mental level, Sex opens any relationship to a new realm of trust or mistrust, and bonds strangers in ways no other acts can, such that your Sister can learn to trust a man in 2 Weeks more than you, whom see has known a lifetime.
On the Spiritual level, we are God's and this is where our powers of creation are unlocked. Not only can this transaction birth wanted or unwanted seeds, it can also elevate creative abilities and Dwarf Kings.
And this is what you do every weekend, with new people as if it were a sport.
Play Soccer, Swim, join a Chess club... there so many things that one can do as a pass time and sex should not be one of them.
When you choose to have sex, choose not only the act but the partner, the setting, the approach and the yield.
Anything less and you are on your own. And why would an Arrow of God, be alone?
Yes, abominations are the things that separate us from God and if your sexual life exits communion and slides into the realm of a utility, for pleasure, or trade or play, God is not in it and it is, simply put an abomination.
The Arrow of God seeks above all things, rhythm with our creator and as it relates to sex the formula is simple, Raw, Selfless, Clean, Creative Sexual communion - between a naturally compatible man and woman, motivated only by clear chemistry, biological fit and spiritual alignment and committed to the blessings of the Union, if God so pleases.

this is a syndicated Article Released Every Friday and taking an Unbiased Approach to unraveling the implications of the weeks leading events to the Lifes of My People.
Read with an open mind...

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