Understanding The Natural African Model Of Trade, Production And Wealth Creation.
Tues.Nov.7.2023 - Ubochi Nkwo

Photo: Members of the Maasai Tribe of Tanzania - Odd to see the modern-day Africa emaciated, while at time immemorial, pre-colonization, we were well fed, fit and often describes in history books as plump.
Economics, the western theory of the study of wealth, trade and productivity, is an alien idea that the African in his natural design, cannot sustain.
Its Fundamental Design Is Alien To The Cultures Of 90% Of The African People - Pre Colonization. It Is Dipped In Conquest In Respect Of Western Territory Traditions Of Man Eat Man, Alien To The African's Proclivity For "Conflicts Only When Necessary". This Is Not To Say That We Were Better People (That Is Subjective), However From Time Immemorial We Have Been Better "At Sharing".
In Its Foundations Economics Is Not About Sharing, But About Ensuring The Best Cut Of Whatever Is On The Table, Often While Pricing The Empty Table More Than At Full. Scarcity Is At The Heart Of Economics And In Fact, The Basic Meaning Of The Word Is "The Study Of Lack".
Essential As Scarcity Is - At The Heart Of Economics, Abundance Is - At The Heart Of ORAnomics, What "Lack" Is To Economics, "Enough" Is To ORAnomics.
In Essence, ORAnomics Is "The Study Of Sufficiency".
ORAnomics Is A Term I Created whose Translation Expands To Read, "Organic Resource Allocation" ORA, Nomics "Customs", Or For Reader Clarity, "The Study And/Or Practice Of The African Art And Custom Of Organic Resource Allocation".
In Nature, The Strong Do Not Survive, Nor Do The Weak Thrive, However The Eco-Systems Of God Maintains A Systematic Balance Through Fair Contest, Where All Are At The Mercy Of Time And Chance And No Carcass Is A Lost, When It Feeds The Plants. Natures Design Is Not Tilted In The Direction Of Any Animal Or Plant, All Are Provided With Equal Opportunity Even If It Isn't Really Clear The Advantages The Zebra Has Over The Lion.
Modern Africa Is Plagued with Dollar Billionaires Who Can Barely Lead Themselves to Talk-less Of Others, And Whose Wealth Source Is Undefinable, Unchronicled And if revealed Shameful. This Is A Remnant Of Colonial Bastardization Of Our Systems Of Meritocracy, Giving Was For Hoarders, Speculators, Thieves, Riggers, Frauds And Conquers. Allowing The Worse Of The Systems Of Wealth To Be The Holders Of Wealth In Africa.
In Natures Design, The Lion Cannot Eat Without A Kill And So It Merciful For The Zebra To Die. It Is Also Evident That The Zebra Has The Opposing Advantage Of Constant Pasture And Never Suffers The Emotional Cost Of Killing To Eat. Regardless Of The Lions Powers, Zebras Still thrive, And Regardless Of The Availability Of Pasture, Zebras Still Die. The Balancing Act Is Set By Nature In A Complex Game Of King And Pawn That No Man Can Claim To Understand.
Rivers Birth Lakes And Still Great Lakes Feed Rivers, Ocean Hold The Water And Still Depend On The Sky For A Refill, The Sun Outshines Them All, Yet Gives Way For The Moon To Feel Big At Night. God's Design - The Organic Order Of Things Is About Balance And The Pre-Colonial Africa, Like The Native America, Understood This Much More Than The Conquering Empires Of The West.
In Economics Wealth Flows From Resource Control, However In The Majority Of Pre-Colonial Cultures, Including The Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba Of Western Africa And The Zulu, Maasai, Khosa Of Southern Africa, Resources Where Shared Such That Everyone Had Enough And Then Some Who Where Brave Had More.
The Concepts Of Homelessness, Abject Poverty, Death By Starvation, Death Without Marriage And Family And Other Now Rampant Results Of Modern Day Poverty, Were Deeply Alien To the Africans Of Old.
Pre-Colonization, All Across Africa, Whether Hunter Gatherers, Farm Settlers Or Nomad Traders And Herders, The Africans Wealth Models Did Not Encourage Poverty In The Presentations It Exists In Today. They Instead Existed In Communities That Were Defined By General Socialism In Needs And Personal Capitalism In Luxuries. In Essense The Communities Worked Together To Ensure Basic Sustenance For All But Each Member Still Retained The Independence To Out Work And Out Earn All Others. This Is The Natural Way In Which Man Should Live.
Am Sure By Now, Many Would Question The Intelligence Of This Model, Arguing That Economics Is An Advanced Field That Has Been Practiced By Many Cultures For The Last 500 Years. They Would Also Question The Validity Of A Fairer System In A World Already Designed. To Understand My Stance You Must 1st Come To Terms With The Fact That The Western World Did Not Bring Civilization To Africa, It Rather Met A Very Strong Civilization And Hampered Its Development in an effort to control it.
it is also clear that no evolution of technology can make apple juice healthier that an actual juicy apple.
ORAnomics Is The Evolution Of The African Model, That Can And Will Compete Favorable With The Western Model, Coincidentally By Choosing Not To Compete.
ORAnomics Is Not Based On Crass Competition For Resources But Rather On Reasoned Use That Considers The Need For Others To Also Access Opportunities And Service Their Needs. In Natures Design, Pasture Is Available To Some, Meat To Others, Fruits To The Rest And All Share The Air, The Forest, The Rain And There Is No Need For Lions To Cease Entire Forests And Devour All The Zebras at once, They Let Them Feed, Drink And Play And Only Pick Off Meals, Refrigerating non and still never risking extinction. The greatest threat to both the lion and the zebra, is the "Bad" economist and his rapist harvest of trees.
In Essence Speculative Trade, Vicious Resource Control, Destruction In Any Regard And Especially Of Eco-Systems, Is Alien To Nature And Was Alien To The African Or At Least Considered An Abomination Because "One Must Not Kill, What He Will Not Eat", As Such Is Waste.
The Western Models Is Waste Heavy, High Handed And Often Times Creates Artificial Scarcity To Sustain Wealth Creating, Ideas Like Hedging, Shorting, Exclusive Licenses, Monopolies Etc., Create A System That Makes Upward Mobility Difficult, Survival A Gamble And Poverty A Public Condition, No Longer Rare But The Norm.
It Would Be Like A Lion Cornering All The Zebra, Diminishing Their Population By Limiting Their Access To Grazing Fields And Charging Other Lions Exorbitant Fees For Ever Lower Supply Of Zebra Meat. Thriving From A Scarcity That Is Artificial And Sending Many Lions To An Early Grave.

No One Should Own Water, Air And All The Land, As These Basic Resources Form The Only Things A Man Must Have. It Is Okay To Own Clothing Brands, Flavoured Water, The Lands You Use And To Use Some Air As These Are Not Existential threats And does Not Affect Others' Ability To Function In The Basic Sense.
A Model Of Trade, Production And Wealth That Drives People Into Cities And Cannot Afford Them Enough Space To Live And Have A Pot Plant, Is Not Civilization, The Apes Would Laugh At The Concept That Human Being, On Their Own Volition, Sign Up To Live In Cages, Buying Air From Daikin (Air Conditioning) That Is Free By The River Side. However And In Today's World, This Economic Model Has So Permeated The World, That It Is Hard To Survive Without Practicing It And It Seems Impossible To Avoid But It Is Not.
ORAnomics Provides The Solution, For Those Who Wish To Practice A Better Way.
Not all civilization is good and as such it is clear that no improvement that infact stymies should be kept just because it had been decided at the time of commencement to be a good idea. If you move your stove to the living room, after the 1st round of boiling oil, you would have learnt your lesson and returned the soothing mess back to its "Dor mot". Why has the world failed to restore order to human society and our trade, production and wealth models?
ORAnomics Operates on the Basic premise that nature has provided all elements of need in abundance and any model of Trade, Production or Wealth creating that hampers the general ability of others to access the basic needs of life is not business but man's wickedness to man.
Hoarding (Hedging), Gaming (Speculation), Seizing (Resource Licensing), Rigging (Artificial Scarcity Inducement), Poisoning (Arbitrary Branding), Logging (Eco-system Destruction) and Conquering (Monopoly) are effective means of Wealth accumulation that do not enable trade or assist productivity and as such are antithetical to human progress and Abhorred by ORAnomics.
Storing (Product Preservation), Skills (Market Optimization), development (Resource Utilization), Enterprise (Industrial Productivity), Innovation (Branded Value), Weeding (Eco-System Management) and Excellence (Leadership) are the proper means of Wealth accumulation, enabling trade, driving productivity, creating wealth while naturally attune to the balance of nature and allowing all men to live and share in the common resources essential to a CIVILIZED existence.

Everytime there is a scary world event, humans deplete store shelves risking the health of others often to discover the food rotting and the events fading into history.
The current practice of storing essential commodities in anticipation of price rises is a lazy way to earn. while it is easy to logic, it is not a justifiable means of wealth creation. In simple terms, if you store 1 kg or oil bought at $1 to sell at $2 dollars at the end of the year and I buy and sell 1 kg of oil consistently through the year at a 10cents profit, I still stand to make more than you, you just get to watch more t.v.
ADVERSITY TO HUMAN CIVILIZATION: hoarding freezes the resources of trade for a time to come and yet when that time comes, it inflates the cost of access to that resource such that it is no longer a benefit and value to "people" but a robbery which leads to waste of what ever remains and at worse of human lives.
STORAGE AS THE ALTERNATIVE: there are thing which by their nature need to be stored and naturally a value should be Received for the process of storage, a natural cost that all people can understand. In nature trees in their wisdom store fruits by sharing seasons, plants choose different times to grow, some dancing in the rainy season and other reserved for dry parties. Animals stow away food and hibernate, all features of nature that allocate resources to all a Sufficient spread, year round.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with people storing but it cannot be with the intent to Hoard, because this in the end makes the very foods unavailable in their prime season, as the available stock is hoarded and still rare in the off season due to price, turning essentials into luxuries without any greater gain to the trade, had he maintained regular trading year round.
In the modern day this applies to Food, Fuel, Clothing, Basic Entertainment, Education, Real Estate and all modern amenities like Power and piped water that have become essential fruits in the human jungle.
The student of ORAnomics or Entrepreneur designs business models that thrive by storing excess flows in lieu of the off season, possibly as a direct and natural by product of active Engagement in the in-season trades and productivity of the stored product.
For example an oil trader in 2020, when oil refused to sell due to the "COVID-19 Scheme", had every reason to hold his oil until the market stabilized. and a trader flush with cash at the height of the oil deluge had every right to buy and hold. In essence, Strategic intent determines balance, holding man from his worse propensities and the wicked consequences of Hoarding.
In storing the traders intent is to "Preserve" for a more useful time, that which at now is of little use, as opposed to hoarding, which violates the present need in anticipation of future rewards, striping the average person of the tools of Survival and skewing the Equilibrium of natural sufficient.

Much of the crude oil price lives at the mercy of Commodities traders and these tank farms in the little known city of Cushing, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
there are a values which Entrepreneurs introduce to Trade and Productivity through efficiency which should be rewarded with wealth.
When a Hotelier develops the talents of his crew and kitchen presenting, culinary masterpieces as an attraction for guests, this is a specific value for which he should be Commensurately rewarded. The same applies to a school offering premium learning by hiring Lecturer quality teachers, a car company with a fuel economic Fleet and any other optimizations of quality, efficiency, range and choice that makes a product, artist, country more preferable to others - naturally.
Success by games, where companies pay a premium to buy eSG Points and Optimize the fuel efficiency of a few cars to gain market concession is a model of gaming that is dangerous. Worse still is when computer warriors can control the market value of actual production by trading papers on stock and commodities exchanges, Arbitrarily betting on destinies with longs, shorts and other more complex nomenclature that only mean that a Lion has found a way to bet on zebras, in exchange for zebras.
Such speculation does not add to the volume of zebras (trade or production) in circulation, nor encourage their birth, nor ease access for the entire community of lions to a daily meal. as such an Entrepreneur or student of oRAnomics should seek for optimizations Via skill and Receives its reward from making the process by which people access value, easier. Using the Lions again, this will be akin to a lion who designs a Zebra trap, that allows specific zebras to be captured efficiently and eaten fresh without scaring the pack or wounding unpalatable zebras or plucking mothers and babies. This optimization ensures access without necessitating waste.

The idea that someone owns an oil well in the niger delta region of nigeria and extracts oil for sale in texas, leaving the soils and waters of the community depleted of resources and minerals and yet allowing the people to wallow in poverty is un-african.
the ORAnomist Prefers to maximally utilize the resources such that it is mined, processed, traded and even utilized in the community. in this approach the ORAnomist is focused on Resource utilization to the degree that it is most Beneficial to his community, sharing the gains of enterprise and not "seizing" opportunity to the degree that the resources of a people becomes a curse to them.
The structure of wholesale community land holdings, mineral rights, water rights, air rights and other pure resources should "consider", without force or inducement, the modalities that will allow the primary residents and origin community of the area to benefit through compensation, employment, auxiliary enterprises, trade and production from the extractions thereoff.
In an example of an Oil well ran by an oRAnomist, he could consider either building or partnering to ensure, refineries, condensation plants, jetties, mineral education, shipping, Plastic plants and all the many things that when brough to the community will ensure that even with the loss of its Oil resources and land value, it retains sources of Sustenance that greatly compensate the loss.

The African society recognized extra-ordinary enterprise, crowning chiefs and other titles in recognition of greatness in combat, hunting, farming, philanthropy and others. It is fully recognized that all fingers are not equal but in all cases fare play was expected, as "a rule and norm".
The dog eat dog world of Western economics often focuses on yield, however the ORAnomist must judge yield in tandem with method. industry is to be praised and underhanded Tactics no matter their legality in western law, or rewards in cash and title should be Abhorred as it encourages a rape on the system by any means, an unsustainable trend that always leads to a race to the bottom.
Wealth for the oRAnomist should come in relation to enterprise, whereby by out working others (productivity), he can naturally earn a larger share of the human pie, much like "the adage of the Patient Dog eating the fattest bone" and "the early bird getting the worm".

modern social and mass media, where likes, clicks and views determine quality and value, is a dangerous brand modality where salacious poisons are more attractive than healthy food.
It is economically sound for wealth creation, but the student of ORAnomics understands that poison is poison even to the hand that gives it.
The modern identity crisis in Western Countries is a clear sample of "The Chickens coming home to roost", whereby the fake life and virtual presentations of nonsense has lead to a clear confusion between truth and falsehood, to the tune that a man is now no longer a recognized gender.
This is commercial poison at its highest. In economic terms, one could ride these trends to wealth and without risks of a jail term, however the ORAnomist is a humanist and cannot profit from the destruction of the basic fabric of society. if a fashion designer, he must preserve virtue but not with swim wear, if an oil man he must preserve the water, but not in shipping, if a soldier he must preserve life but not in the heat of battle. self preservation is allowed but only to preserve and not in the course of amassing wealth at the detriment of the consumer, akin to a doctor that gets paid for poisoning his patients - that they pay does not justify the trade, poison is poison, even to the holder.
The ORAnomist seeks a business, trade or work, where he/she can "add value" and be compensated for provisions of "need" or "wants" to the people, without a compromise of virtue - selling only that to which he can affix his name, holding to the african mantra that "a good name is better than wealth".

many forests have died because men wanted to build cities and nature is not against death, but nature Abhors waste and so does the african.
The Igbo's say "Ewere'o Osisi ka nkwu" (there is no tree greater than the palm tree), they say this because it produces no waste in the course of use, with all of its remnants producing some useful bi-products. the ORAnomist most protect his eco-systems engaging recycle, repurpose and replacement as a Natural design of his business models.
For example, a furniture company when logging wood should consider a business case for the replacement of the forest. they can engage in it directly of they can sublet or partners to achieve it. in the end the objective is to ensure that their roll in nature is weeding the field and not logging.
The main point is to ensure that the adverse impact of production are righteously reprimanded by a naturally Occurring, trade infused repair of the eco-system. The mechanism for restoration must be built into the schematics and design of the organization, its goods, trade and production.

be so good, that people want you infront.
The ancient african Masquerade society, inner chambers and the like where laden with meritocracy by design, such that the best of each community rose to the top.
Modern Africa Is Plagued With Dollar Billionaires Who Can Barely Lead Themselves To Talk-Less Of Others, And Whose Wealth Source Is Undefinable, Unchronicled And If Revealed Shameful. This Is A Remnant Of Colonial Bastardizations Of Our Systems Of Meritocracy, Giving Was For Hoarders, Speculators, Thieves, Riggers, Frauds And Conquerors. Allowing The Worse Of The Systems Of Wealth To Be The Holders Of Wealth In Africa.
The oRAnomist seeks advanced advantages that aligns Storage, Skill, Development, Enterprise, Innovation, Management And Excellence to maintain a position of wealth that is earned, accruing from industry and the Exercise of human energy, Spiritual inspiration and Mental Acumen that are the gifts of God/nature and are the natural order to wealth.
this is the "blessings of God", and the AFRICAN WAY, allowing success where there is evident usefulness to the world and ensuring that the Accumulation of wealth is not at the expense of, but to the benefit of the community.

Many will argue that what i propound above is theory that cannot survive the heat of the african sun, but i can point to organizations that if not clearly following oRAnomics, have applied its principles and they represent the most attractive brands in africa. others exist, whom i will not mention who have wealth but nothing to admire about the enterprises themselves.
As An Example I Will Cite the following;
All of the Aforementioned are organizations where a clear value is seen by the consumer in their products, organizations which maintain visionary and intelligent leadership, are seen to be clear enterprise businesses that are not actively engaged in State Capture and are admirable brands that anyone would be proud to own.
I do not represent any of these companies, nor do i advocate for them, i merely state the obvious from public records and we all know of companies in their industries that are gaming the system, speculating on the people, conquering by might etc., and non of these other companies (while economically successful) can be ranked at par with the value these brands command with mere consumer goodwill and Public confidence.
The good thing pays, it is the guts to see it through that is hard to summon.
Be brave, poison is not a good thing to hold, even if it is for sale.
i Practive Oranomics and not Ecconomics. Oranomics is my restoration of African financial and Trade ideologies adapted into a course of study that I wish to introduce into our schooling system.
While Economics is "The Study of Lack", also called suppy and demand, Oranomics is "The Study of Abundance".
It is my firm belief that there is enough resources to go round the world 3 times and that we have no need to engage in combative business practices.
A focus on need, is all you need to find the businesses of the future and seal your position in the annals of time... Profitably.

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