A country for no man

Their is a reason why no parts of Africa is working for the people - africa is working for the west.

Thur.Nov.23.2023 - Ubochi Nkwo


The notion that Africa is useless is false, our failure to free ourselves is very useful to European economic growth and development. They leach on us to live the lives we envy.

Today, many Nigerians are going to be celebrating Thanksgiving - what?

To mark what event in the life, history, culture, or development of what part, people or lands in Nigeria?

Africa is mad.

The foundation of this madness is the elevation of all things foreign over our own identity.

This crisis of identity covers Religion, Customs, Lifestyle, Habits, Trends, Structures and Personal Definition, the entire range of human development of identity. It is not a mistake, accident or choice, rather it is the intended and fruitful consequence of our CONQUEST by the Western nations of Europe and our continued refusal, to wring the hands of their evil off our waist.



The River Niger orginates in Guinea and courses through 5 countries, all had people living in them for millenia, but the want you to believe it was discovered by Mungo Park, and you do.

The notion of Africa as a backward continent is a well sold lie, done by starting our histories with colonization. In fact most African textbooks covering Geography, Civics and History, tend to talk about us as if we are a recent discovery.

The naming conventions for Rivers, Streams, Nations and even now, much of our 1st and middle names - chosen by our brain-sanded (corrosive brain washing) parents, give the impression that we are anything but us, but are rather more Arab, French, English or Jew, than African.

Worse still is Lingua Franca, with its notion of the need for a European national language as a Unifying central language for each of our countries. These central "european languages" collate the confusion and make the aspiration to be something other than us, more inspiring and desired.

These are not accidents. They are the result of strategic and consistent Infiltration and Decimation of our whole identity as a people by our "Conquerors".



While accusing us of IDOL worship, the HOLY west stole our works and now REVERENCE them in museams and refuse to return them.

Religion was the 1st point of attack and the most efficient. When an African believes that they have a God that cares for them and maintains a personal relationship with that God, it gives a pride of place that allows them to value themselves as equal to or above foreigners. However, when they loose their God to foreign Gods, they consequently and naturally submit to the supremacy of "the original Sons" of the God they now worship.

The European understood this and systematically dismantled our ownership of God, replacing it with their own Gods. Where they found a foreign God already present, like in parts of Africa with Islam, they had no need to combat this, both because the Religion allowed a wide net of similar thinkers, who could be more easily RULED but more importantly because it still allowed an inferiority complex in the practitioners that can be manipulated.

Now for those of you who wish to get offended by the use of Foreign Gods to describe the God of the Muslim, Jew and Christian or anyother non-original/organic modifications of our faith, feel free to argue your case with facts and not emotions and prove to me the origin, in Africa of your faith and why God needs to come from anywhere else but the cradle of life itself.

To accept that the African did not know God and needed to be introduced, is to accept that there is no God, because it stands to reason that if this is the cradle of life - these - you, are the Sons of God, or at least the 1st to experience the wonders of his work and by the foundations of Islam, Christianity and Judaism - you, are Adam and this is Eden.

Note: The arguements in these pages are not on the efficacy of your religion, I never care to have such sensational discussions. The argument is about the ORIGIN of our modern faith, the INTENTIONS of the importers and the EFFECT of its lack of ORGANIC development on the PSYCHOLOGY of SELF for the AFRICAN.

It is also important to note that Christianity is an original religion of Ethiopia as such such comparisons do not tally with their faith. Equally, the Arab nature of Eqypt, Algeria, Lybia etc buffers them for the heaviest dents of Religious subordination even though clear inferiority, although subtle, still exists in reference to the Mecca of Islam, Saudi Arabia, whose ownership of the religion, grants a tremendous pride of place in the global order.

In fact without Islam, Saudi Arabia would be a failed state, eclipsed by the more Intellectually advanced Persian nation of Iran and even their Small but more entrepreneurial Arab neighbours in the United Arab Emirates. In fact and to show the power of religion, without their place in Islam, Saudi Arabia would be nothing to the Africa Muslim Traveller in relation to Egypt. If this were to happen, trade and economic Activities would have followed with equal parity, leaving Saudi Arabia a desert in cash and kind.

The Saudi's should celebrate the Prophet Mohammed vigorously at all turns and if they ever turn from Allah, the sands of time will turn on them - such is the power of religion.

Without religion and the catholic church, most people would not know the location of Italy on the map - such is the power of religion

Equally, the insistence of naming Children Muhammad and John represent a tremendous load on the ability of the Africa to free himself from the shackles of conquest.

When the British, French, Germans, Portuguese and other Europeans arrived in Africa, they met robust and well developed "communion" and made active investments to replace it with Foreign religion. Many of the Lords of the Colony who superintended the "conversion" of our heathen ancestors were total Unbelievers with questionable moral standing even as mere men, but they recognized the "taming effects of religion" and prescribed an "overdose" for Africa.

The side effect is this "Country filled with believers", that conducts more impunity than our "Godless" ancestors. Impunity, that has turned these lands of honorable ancestors into a country for no man.



It seems our love is not enough, unless we marry like them too.

Prior to the involuntary partition of our lands and the forced merger of our tribes and people with zero regard for our customs and traditions, we were a people organized and ordered in our existence and co-existence with our neighbors.

We married amongst ourselves and to Neighboring lands with more liberty, united by customs, than we now do even within our Kindreds, as we are now divided by Geopolitics, Tribe, Religion, and Culture.

This is no accident.

When the European met us we had defined cultural standards for marriage, child development, friendship, corporative enterprise, war and peace. These were developed over Millenniums and formed the basis of peaceful existence and co-existence.

It is not like our ancestors did not have problems, or flaws in their customs. It is that we now have foreign conundrums and wickedness as our customs.

An Hausa man, finds it difficult to gift his daughter to a brother Hausa on the basis of multiple cultural confusions that now include Religion, "Exposure", Education and other cultural Interruptions that have no basis in the traditional common customs that were shared among the Hausa's of old.

In an Igbo family, patterns of child rearing are greatly confused by parental affiliations in religion, claimed exposure via travels, supposed elevations in education via certificates etc., all leading to a disjointed society with multiple classes of citizens and a diversity of Tutelage that has no basis in their common culture as Igbo people.

On and on the African has "Westernized" his customs, liberating it to personal interpretations that are abusive to its original intentions but rather, regard European and Arab cultures as "STANDARD".

For example, most Africans have deep regard for the "White Wedding" but the normal traditional union presents a point for debate. Most Africans agree on "A B.Sc." but the necessity for children to learn respect, their native language and the agreed style of relating with others in respect is open to discussion. For most Africans, respect for elders, love of children, ownership of children, divorce, marital rights, burial, naming ceremonies are all open to debate, where the issue if Adherence to our customs but "Christening" is a point of Consensus.

Who did this to us?

Britain, Portugal, France, etc., Europeans.

Why are we still like this?

Supernatural stupidity.

This is no accident. The European when they met us, strategically extracted our children and inculcated in them a detest for our customs. They used a combination of Religious inculcation, Education and Economic advancement to divide and conquer us.

They exploited the pains of loss for those who birthed twins in Communities that killed them. The selfish desire to own, that makes the love of a woman boil to exploit our polygamous traditions and advance division between men and women, the desire of children for childish self exploits was used to train insult for their fathers crafts and lands, inculcating a foreign traveller culture that has turned us into the world's most wildly distributed Immigrant population.

These were no accidents. These systematic divisions are how the Europeans were able to conquer our proud people and impose drastic subjugations that included land use acts that legally Ceded our ancestorial lands to their Crown and Governments.



Traditionally clad women in Eswatini, perform a traditional dance.

For a people who were safe moving to streams at 5am wearing nothing but waist beads, they have civilized us to gowns and now to mini skirts and even with underpants as extra protection our women can no longer move freely in well lit cities, once the day hits 9.

For a people who could travel by foot on beaten paths to distant villages, we now cannot be satisfied until we own air-conditioned cars, yet these very cars cannot make it across villages in the raining season, because we learnt to drive but not to build roads.

Our lives are bad, with a hind of invasive colonial desires that make the African insatiable in the midst of plenty. In my hometown a fruit called "Uguru" (African Bush Mango), is often wasted as it is left to rot so that we can extract the seeds to make Ogbono Soup. The beautiful fruit, has no place in the markets of Africa that now prefer to sell Apples and Grapes.

Our women spend hours in salons to destroy the nutrients in their hair and complain of how long it takes, when at times of old, hair do's where a home affair that most mothers could handle and the process was a bonding experience for kit and kin.



My grandmother lived to be 96 years old. She brushed her teath with a chewing stick and ate meat till her last week of life. Congratulations on your enlightenment and use of tooth paste, it is however odd that I can name 5 people under the age of 40 who have had teeth pulled and the don't chew stick.

What is the wisdom of your European habits, when they do not "add" to your life?

Our choice of house design has lead to Unlivable cities with weather adverse cement houses that do not compare favorable with mud technology.

Our choice of hair care, has led to early age balding for our women and the terrible notion of sleeping with a woman without a crown, whereby fingers through the hair either course through Indian women or a short crop that confuses and makes you wander, where light is absent, whether Emeka, has Slipped into your bed.

Our choice of dress, is what Fela Anikulapo Kuti would define as "teacher teach me nonse", whereby in a country whose whether patterns are so suitable that the human skin seens the better fashion - we "put on singlet, we put on shirt, we put tie, we put monkey coat, we put on suit, we put on hat...", what kind of gentle man is that?

Discomfort is the consequence of borrowed habits in all aspects of life from home decor, to clothing, to breakfast, launch and dinner and the strange "snacks" we have adopted as food.

What is so wonderful about a Burger that compare to the same meat expressed in a well seasoned sauce of peppers, potash, oil bean seads (ugba), and a deep mix of local spices, cooked over open flames of dry woods of the Ordeal Tree (Inyi Agba Oku), But we have chosen the one and Forsaken the other and now to woo a woman, romance requires a Rose flower and Pizza, alien ideas that reinforce a mental and social dependency on the foreign, habits that trap us to old masters, long gone but not forgotten.

Again, this is no accident.

The European knew the importance of likes and dislikes in the control of people and created the initial systems to confuse our preferences. The worst part is that today out trends and habits are controlled by Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Netflix and YouTube, all Western brands whose commitment to their home propaganda, bans brave voices while promoting risky Bobby's and furthers our likes of the alien idea and dislike of the local truth.

Example 1, my Son's school requests that I supply fruits today for Thanksgiving. Huh?

What cultures and habits are we trying to imbibe in then?, what trends do we want then to value?



His Excellency Mr Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo

We now elevate the Christmas celebration above the new yam festival. We no longer have "oye uvu" (marriage festivals), where women can spot eligible bachelors and now at 30 the young ladies lives in churches hoping for love.

We celebrate Thanksgiving, Halloween, Black Friday and accept the death of America athletes, British Royalty and French musicians as legitmate trends upon whicb to set public holidays, personal mourning, synchronized costumes and committed social media posts.


Why should Trump trend in Africa?

Every African can name the President of America but few can name the President of The Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the largest countries in Africa - this includes me. Sad. I will make it a core to find out who he or she is today.

Again, this is not an accident. It is an old age strategy of colonization.

When the Romans ruled the world, they introduced their traditions to the Jews including the worship of the Sun God Ra, when they adopted Christianity starting with Emperor Constantine, the worship of the God Ra, morphed to Sunday worship of the new God.

The trends we now celebrate are equally replacement holidays, some like Thanksgiving, replacing Atrocities like genocide, and yet we - the victims of colonization, slavery and apartheid celebrate them as if they were ours, without context and inspite of the local trends they smother.

This is no accident. Over the period of colonization and after, the Western world made deep investments in soft power, using mediums like Hollywood, the Premier League, Olympics, FIFA, Nobel Peace Price, Guiness Book of World Records, Pulitzer Price etc., to accredit and discredit, acclimatize and disenfranchise - global trends and our cultures with a little of their stolen gold.

From Chinua Achebe to Nelson Mandela to Pele, we needed their stamp of approval on our Gold.

This is why I do not attend the World Economic forum, nor do I care to base my operations in New York, nor do I depend on their media for my communications with my people. Those type of dependencies are exactly what they want from our greatest. They want us to depend on their structures so that they can decide, if we trend, when we trend and how to turn our trends into dead ends or theirs.



Former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo

A few days ago, President, "General", Olusegun Obasanjo complained that Western Democracy is not suitable to Africa.

I question which country in the West has democracy?

Africa, is the home of democracy. Among my people the Igbos, democracy was the original format. A true democracy in which every kit and kin was represented in the development of society and personal choice was truly respected.

Today we practice Parliamentary and American style democracies that present us with rigged elections and a lordship by the few over the many.

Again, this is not by chance.

The Europeans 1st introduced this fraud to us as a means of legitimizing his criminal invasion of our lands and a way of bypassing our traditional rights of Ascension, to appoint subordinate minions as the leaders of our communities.

In Igbo land their created the Igwe stoles that we now revere, starting with People like "Igbo Onyeama Na Eke" and "Osisi Ka Nkwu Na Ozalla". They introduces an alien contraption to our original design, presenting lords over a free people, worse still the lords themselves were servants of an alien agenda.

For time Immemorial, much of Africa practiced and my people the Igbo's practiced a type of Communal leadership were everyone, even the children had a say. The modern Idea that the West is liberating "our" women is a strange lie, coined to diminish the fairness of our pre-colonial societies.


A bride to be greats the UMU ADA (1st Daughter's) from the Kindred of her husband

In the times of old, before a maiden could marry, there were rights for her Parents, Kinsmen, 1st daughters of the Kindred, Her age group and the Mothers. This is the ultimate democracy. A structure of involvement that featured the maximum number of affected members in the community for each event and challenge and yet rarely ended in a dead lock.

I have it on personal account from my Grandmother who passed at the age of 96,with all of her memory intact, that we had natural practices for Dating, Friendship, Land Acquisition, Leadership and all aspects of life and community, each decided on and developed by the whole society with greater buy in and efficient subscription than the "conscription" that is modern Western DemocraZy - A rule of the many by the few.

In governance, Africa rarely had "rule" but leadership and such leadership was only accepted if it was ordained by heaven and merited. Think what you may of this, but this approach resulted in the most peaceful internal communities of recorded history.

In Most African communities (As an average), murder within, rape within, theft within, existed at the lowest level of any society in the recorded history of the world. Much of crime was ascribed and expected from "ndi iro" (external parties), and competing tribes, and not from amongst a people.

That was an ordered society.

The Structures we have now, were designed to control us (herd us like sheep) and the subjugation of personal choice to ordered RULE, allowing them to use our entire continent, with the efficiency of a factory supply chain.

When our brothers took over, they butchered the ones that stood for change, Sankara, they imprisoned our best, Mandela, they destroyed the economy of Liberators, Mugabe and when all else failed they physically brought war to our continent to destroy the excellence of African commitment to Africa, Gaddafi.

The new stooges they now allow to RULE us are so perfect in their loyalty to their master that when they give us subsidies, western refineries profit, when they remove subsidy, western refineries profit. When our Central Banks save, Western Banks profit, when our Central Banks Borrow, Western Banks Profit.

Who did this to us? Is It the God's - No, it is us.



We have a role in our suffering because we are the ones who continue to sustain our subjugation.

In the days of colonization or slavery, it could be claimed that we had no choice but to kneel. But what is the excuss now?

Today, we elevate Religions to the degree that we no longer allow our children the right to love, and bond love to similarities in subjugations and loyalty to foreign worship. Today, we on our own, contest the cultures of our people and beat our own people into submitting to alien customs to respect our own rude Insistence that the lost path we are on, is the only true way.

From our habits in dress, working hours and choice in housing, to our trends in Celebrations, Aspirations and Celebrity idols and our propensity to accept foreign structures in Government and societal design, including in the schools we freely and without duress fund and send our children and the way and manner we structure our own personal businesses and home affairs, we have freely and without compulsion, Ceded our independence to foreign preferences.

The worst part of our subjugation is our personal complicity in the story of our own lives, whereby we submit destiny to foreign ambitions. It is because we are no longer men, but rather stooges, minions and subjects of foreign ideals, directions and sensitivities that this country has become "a country for no man".

In the names and titles we choose to answer, our own personal diet, our choice of cars and furniture, our Preferred travel destinations, our association or lack Thereof with our Kin and Hometowns. In all of these which are personal choice and are not mandated Any which way by the state, or Interfered with by the Gods, we have on our own volition, accepted a third class position in the global order and the God's Are Not to Blame.



When you look at these children what do you see? If you don't see brothers and sons, you are the reason their Country is Not Working for Them.

No, the God's Are Not to Blame, they are not. We are.

Having been colonized and then liberated, we had the option of running from the subjugation of our Religious Ideology, Cultural Traditions, Personal Habits, Trends, etc., and seeking a redefinition of self, but laziness has made us lax, preferring the comfort of our servitude to the joyous elevation of a life defined by personal actualization.

The Liberty of the African must start with each one of us taking responsibility for our contributions to the rots in our society and fighting viciously to liberate ourselves 1st and create in our homes, Associations and offices, a Country built for the African Man.

If we can fix ourselves, then we can influence the rest of the society to a better way. much like we now reinforce our subjugation with our personal choices. Our revolt will register as a firm encouragement for re-direction by our neighbours, governments, Schools and all basis of society to a new order, as they are influence by our personal choices.

When a man cannot find a wife, Unless he is Conscientious about Africa, all able men will turn into freedom fighters. it used to be so, that women wanted warriors, in those day, men worked hard to be Men and our small communities where full of Men. What do you teach your daughters should be the value of a man?, What is your value that you show your children, in the manner in which you relate with them and their mothers? and in the things you choose to uphold?

Virtue follows the trend of personal choice and when you begin to change your actions, passions and interests, you will find around you, a torrent of influence as lost souls emerge to join your more reasonable path and Africa begins to find a way home, through you.

We are lost, but our God is not dead and this country, if you resist, will no longer be "A Country for no Man". The God's are not to blame, you are - look at the boys above, see them as Gold and do everything you can to ensure that this is the glorious land it should be, starting with what you choose to do, with everything that is your choice to make.



this is a syndicated Article Released Every Thursday and focused on exposing the root causes of the characteristic imbalances of the african story, with solutions that are practical for each of us to take independent of government and economic or social class.

Our world is out of balance and THE GODS ARE NOT TO BLAME... We are. While the world and other factors have a hand in our degraded quality of Life and position in the world, we must take ownership of the restoration of our pride of place in the world and in the arrival at a quality of Life that is worthy of our heritage.

And here are the tools of understanding and action, if you fail to use them, note that THE GODS ARE NOT TO BLAME... You are.

Read with Introspection and Retrospection...




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