my Unabashed analysis of the peculiarities of Nigerian and african elections.
Fri.Nov.17.2023 - Ubochi Orie

The contest was a 3-horse race between Obi, Tinubu and Abubakar with no "clear" winner.
If Bola Ahmed Tinubu Won The Election To The Presidency Of Nigeria, There Will Be No Need For The Results Of The Election To Still Be Missing Today.
feel free to subject this article to ridiculous scrutiny, you will not find a scent of tribal affinity in it, no Religious Discrimination and no political Bias. I write as a Nigerian and a permanent member of the ruling order of society, caring very little about personal interests as they will always be secured by the almighty.
I write out of Righteous indignation for the growing accumulation of power in the hands of "thugs" who at the barell of the gun and without the right standing of "the will of the people", usurp mandates and act against the common interest for 4 years on end without recourse.
OfCourse by design, power is a contest and so it is less about the best man winning, as it is About sheer Ambition and the Resources for Electioneering, however in 2023, something happened in Nigeria that is worse than a Coup - A Civilian Administration "TOOK POWER".
Without bias, no one who has read primary school mathematics can honestly accept the 2023 elections in Nigeria as Free, nor Fair and by no means Credible.
In each of the 3 aforementioned parameters, 1 + 1 in 2023 Nigerian Presidential elections equals 419.

Note: This article is not about Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and yes I am intentional in not saying "President" Bola Ahmed Tinubu. I do this in recognition of the right of the citizen to call a spade a spade and seek no interpretation from the Supreme Court, as such I still insist that he was not duely elected and as such I will not address him as President, in the expressions of my own free mind.
While we are all duty bound to "cONCEDE" to Judicial pronouncements that manage INEC irregularities, And tolerate Election Yahooery, we are, or at least I insist on being, a free born in these lands of my fathers, never Conceding the ability to speak my truth, presenting requisite analysis in its Defense and refusing to delegate my conclusions to any arm of government - Traditional, Legistlative, Judicial, Executive, Foreign or Domestic. In essence I concede that Bola Ahmed Tinubu is president of Nigeria in law, but I do not "ACCEPT", that he earned the seat and therefore will not accord the same "RESPECT" to the title, which I would have, if he were the true will of the people.
My personal thoughts and their public presentations do not require license or permission - as a free born. Consequently, the following article is my unmitigated and untamed analysis of the 2023 Presidential elections in Nigeria within the confines of speaking without recourse - THE RAW NAKED TRUTH. In the course of my analysis of the 2023 Presidential Elections, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, INEC and their 2023 game of Election charade, happens to be circumstantial victims of tHE RAW NAKED TRUTH.
Elections are the procedure of "empowerment" by which a people mandate their leadership and transit authority in a civil dispensation. By itself elections are neither democratic, socialist or communist in nature. They are rather fictitious and open ended and limited only to the rules set by the people and institutions that Initiate them. As such elections are merely vehicles for the transmission of power and the design of the vehicle is an open ended discussion with no natural rules.
In Nigeria, the rules of that discussion occur under the theory of democracy and a call for a Free, Fair and Credible process, within the ambits of an 18 years of Age based democratic suffrage and herein starts the problem.
STEP 1: Framework

In 2022, prior to the actual Presidential election millions of Nigerians within the agreed age of 18 years and over, stood in lines, paid bribes and fought to get their permanent voters card, a RIGHT under the frameworks of a Democratic election regime. Millions of them were denied this right even after waiting, bribes and fights. In law, this is call disenfranchisement and from here it only gets worse.
On election day, millions of Nigerians were unable to vote, owing to Voters Card Reader Malfunctions, Failed BVAS accreditation, lack of Vehicular traffic, insecurity, plain and outright violent interference occurring in the Presence of uniformed police, military and other security officials and worse still the Un-arrival or late arrival of election materials. In all of this the frameworks upon which our elections are held are poor beyond Imagination, failing far behind the administration of Common Entrance Examinations, WAEC, NECO and JAMB. This In The Most Crucial Exam Of All, The Allocation Of Executive Authority By The People To National Leaders.
By this measure, Every election in Nigeria is already a failure. Consequently this article is more about the degree of failure and the Crass assault on the mental perceptions of the Nigerian citizen by leaders with stolen mandates, who insist on being called what has not been Earned by them.
Whereby a student who cheats on any of the aforementioned exams, looses credibility and the mandate to proceed to the next (position) class, the umpire In the Nigerian Presidential elections cheated for their choice candidate and even suspended its own guidelines in the middle of the examination.
The conduct of the 2023 Presidential Elections in Nigeria, was akin to JAMB selecting who will pass the exam ahead of time and then adjusting the test questions in real time to make sure they pass. Worse still, in the 2023, elections, a smart student was able to navigate all of the criminality of the system and to pass the exam, so iNEC decided to swap his exam papers to their desired candidate, to mutilate their own result sheet, forget the login to their own elections reports portal (IREV), and pass their desired candidate without recource to even a clear delaration of the total number of questioned answered. Announcing a winner in the dead of night without a clear declaration of the results.
The standard can only be described as ELECTION MALPRACTICE.
nigerians are familiar with rigging, the world is familiar with cheating in elections, including via Financial Gameplay, Media Propaganda, Ethnic and Religious Politics and OfCourse the sweet sauce of Ballot snatching, intimidations and election violence.

What happened in the 2023 Presidential Elections in Nigeria is far worse - in 2023, INEC for reasons best known to it, STOLE an election.
I understand the weight of this statement, and I would love to be sued or challenged by INEC if they disagree, so that I can be granted the locus standing to get into this fight for my nation and people.
The net summary of an Election, is a calculation of votes, allocation to parties and the declaration of a winner. Whether Bola Ahmed tinubu or Gregory Peter Obi or Musa Rabiu Kwankwaso or Atiku Abubakar won the election is not what I am contending. What I am saying is a mathematical fact. At the time of the declaration of a winner in the 2023 Presidential Election in Nigeria, the total votes cast had not been counted, according to the guidelines set by INEC for the elections, as such the umpire decided on the best student for JAMB 2023 by looking at the faces of the candidates and not the exam sheets. The results where declared well before the students submitted their question papers. A president was announced in the middle of the night, in a mode more akin to a Coup by a Military Junta, than a process of law, in a civil democracy, by a Professor, to a people, fully asleep about the results of THEIR OWN VOTE.
Were the elections free, were they fair, were they credible, this would not have been necessary.
As a master Computer Systems Developer, I also know for a fact, that there is no plausible reasons for the lack of Upload of the presidential Elections to IREV in real-time. This because the results of the Senatorial and House of Representatives elections which held at the same exact time and were being transmitted to the same servers, using the same networks, by the same staff, was successful.
This was a clear play from the Colonial Masters' playbook - Divide and conquer. By allowing a semblance of fairness in the election of over 300 Legislative positions, the system created a buffer for itself where the victors will lose motivation to support the quest of the Few presidential Election "loosers", in future quest to contest the processes of the election.
At the very least the 2023 presidential elections was an abysmal failure by INEC, at the worse, an attempt to rig, met strong participation by the people and to Thwart their will, the umpire swapped papers, burned others, passed failing students to buffer any resistance to the exam and in broad daylight stole the will of the people, in favor or a man who lost his only known strong hold.

Even Ants do not follow blindly, but must trust that their leader will aid their survival.
in mere examinations, a student is not allowed to cheat and the Examinations Board is also not allowed to cheat for the student and if discovered to have done so, the student loses the mandate. Furthermore, if a student by cheating achieves progression, Secures a false mandate and progresses to the reward (University), the proof is in the pudding, as they can only succeed in the University by furthering the art of the steal.
In Governance this incompetence shows itself in Fly Overs that fly over nothing, Subsidy removals that don't return the savings, Industrialization policies that benefit imports, New schools that can't teach old tricks, garbage in, garbage out.
6 Months In, the Ebonyi State Airport is not functional, a newly minted edifice that Received its first flight on Thursday, April 27, 2023. 6 Months into the Tinubu regime and the Nigerian economy has regressed equal to the 1st 4 years of the Muhammed Buhari Regime. Note, I do not use the word President. This is not because I am Obedient, I am not. It is not because I am Articulate, I hold no affiliation to any political parties, candidates or groups and I have been known to Actively avoid politicians, often withdrawing from calling Friends once they become elected officials or appointees.
Let it also be clear that I am against Bola Ahmed Tinubu or Muhammadu Buhari. however I have deep respect for the word President, whose principle meaning is "to preside" and I have not seen from 2015 till date, anyone, presiding over the affairs of Nigeria.
Nigeria is like a runaway train, yes, it has a Captain onboard but does the Captain run the train?

Again, what is My problem?
It is that fundamentally the role of elections is the people's ability to appoint, mandate and dictate the leadership that will govern them. Where this mandate is freely given, the people follow the leader, who can then "Preside" over the majority of the population and maintain the consequent compliance of the rest. In many regards Muhammadu Buhari had a far greater mandate than Bola Ahmed Tinubu.
Where the frameworks are violated, the result is "election malpractice" wherefore the citizen does not Willfully consent to the leadership and therefore, while the mantle can be stolen, the mandate remains in contest. in the minds, hearts and actions of the people there is disdain and it is therefore impossible to "Preside" over them, having neither their consent, nor approval.
An election can be stolen but not a vote. Each man knowing what he cast cannot be sufficiently spell bound by the Declarations of the Election Umpire, The Complicite Quietness of Spiritual, Social, Cultural, Enterprise and other leaders and the Unjustifiable interpretations of the Law by a Politicized Judiciary - these cannot erase the memory of individual decisions on their choice and candidates and the victor by quest cannot achieve a genuine mandate and consequently "can rule" but "can never lead" because "the people will not follow".
Much like a student who cheats to enter medical school will need to cheat to graduate and cheat more to practice and in the end will bring more souls to the devil than where supposed to arrive on each set date. Equally, an "unelected official" who by hook or crook arrives at the seat of the Presidency of any African nation cannot "preside".
By force of the Security Forces, Parastatals, Arms of Government Paraphernalia and Dictatorial Fiats "they can rule", but they can never lead since not enough people will follow.
FREE: An election by the Nigerian standard and in much of Africa is judged to be good when it meets 3 parameters, fREE, FAIR AND CREDIBLE. the 1st is FREE.

During elections in Nigeria, the Citizen looses his freedom. Work is terminated, the roads have no means of transportation, Security is not assured and the lines to vote seem more like a test of human standing ability than a simple cue for the relatively few number of voters delegated to each poling unit.
Elections in Nigeria are a test of patience, A bout with hunger, a lesson in optimal inefficiency, A waste of material, manpower and resources, A practical on corruption. It is many things but it isn't free. It costs the citizens of Nigeria wanton discomfort to participate in, unspeakable and unaccounted sums to organize and yet delivers anything but their will. Not just in 2023, but even in the few elections that are won by a whisker by the peoples choice.
In fact, the few elections where the peoples franchise is allowed is the most tasking on FREE because often, their mandate is only secured with blood and a refusal to Concede to "Terrorism by the State" or at least the "complacence of security forces" in the face of wanton harassment by Active State actors or incoming Politicians
FAIR: What is fair about the parameters set for political positions in Nigeria and much of Africa, whereby the rules of the game stipulate sponsorship by political parties and the guidelines for the formation of such parties make it all but impossible for the average citizen to participate, the rigging start with the Format and frameworks of elections.
By design African political regimes are an elite affair, and leadership by design is an elite affair, the unfairness of our system however is that the definition of elite takes a segregated Focus on "Financial Muscle" and muscle only without the requisite extras of mental cadre and divine endowments.

INEC also, formally Excises 90% Of The Population By Mere Institution Of Outlandish Prequalification requirements Like The Need To Belong To A Political Party, owing to the voluminous Bureaucracy that is required to start and maintain one.
For example, here are the requirements for the formation of a National Political Party in Nigeria. Please feel free to download the full PDF from INEC ( /uploads/2019/02/GUIDELINES-FOR-THE -REGISTRATION-OF-NEW-POLITICAL -PARTIES-1.pdf).
These guidelines are a short treatise on "Disrespect" for human independence and natural endowment. In all areas it interferes with human will and creativity, setting Moral Conditions, Restrictions on Design, Imagery, Political Ideology and Structural Design. While simultaneously burdening the creators with a wide and expensive Bureaucracy that forces over association and the sideline of individual vision. The formalities spend more time giving powers to INEC than it does to empower the candidate, in fact seizing much of a candidates independence by insisting on reliance on A political party for Sponsorship, Canvassing of Votes, Relations with the commission and more.
Before we even get to the mirage that is election day and the transmission of results, Is it not unfair that by mere structure, 90% of the Nigerian people are unable to contest for any election?
Is it not further criminal, that even within the financial elite who benefit from these rules, the lack of Security for leading (non-incumbent) candidates leaves the contest to only the 10% of the financial elite that have extra-ordinary measures for personal, Financial and Social security, which include belonging to secret societies, patronage by foreign countries and protection by political godfathers.
By design the system is colonial and against the possibility of a man of the people, emerging from the fringes and winning solely on popular support. It is not designed to be fair, but to be controllable, allowing the state and unnecessary degree of involvment in the emergence of any candidacy.
CREDIBLE: Credible is not a word that can be used to describe the 2023 presidential election in Nigeria. Ignore the certificate issues, accusations of improprieties etc, I am not concerned with these.

I believe that The citizen should be free to vote for anyone they choose, including "known" criminals, Tribalist and any others with views and lifestyles which another opposes. The end of this discussion on credibility should rest on the valid expression of the popular mandate.
Note that at one time or the other Chief Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Nelson "Madiba" Mandela, Robert Mugabe, Herbert Macaulay etc., where all considered criminals by colonial regimes, who usurped mandates to themselves. Till date in Nigeria nobody knows the true crimes of Sheik Ibrahim El Zarkzaky. where he to attempt to run for Governor of Sokoto, will he not be quickly convicted of a crime yet to be named.
therefore, Since the advent of Civilian and Native rule does not guarantee the impossibility of wrong accusations, I do not agree with criminal records as a limit to political possition, in so far as the citizen is aware of such records and then willfully and freely decides to vote for the candidate.
My concern with credibility is the credibility not of the candidates but the election. In Nigeria today, no body can prove with clear math, that Bola Ahmed Tinubu won the election. THIS IS NOT CREDIBLE. Credible defines a state of evidence, in which the visible and defensible facts show that a said event occurred. No clear evidence exists of even the true total number of votes cast in the 2023 election.
A credible election requires the ability of INEC to defend its results to a logical citizenry on a live news cast. they cannot.
A credible election requires Polling Unit by Polling unit results, visible on the IREV portal for any Nigeria to see and compare to the realities he experienced in his own polling Unit. Till date, more than 6 months after the election, we the Nigerian people, do not have access to such, nor does INEC see any need to fix this or show any remorse that at least expresses that this was an Anomaly.
A credible election should show clearly who won, wear, how, within a graphable metric that any Mathematician can Plot and study, this election however and its results will break any graph models with its irregular undulations and unsound flow of wins and loss.
The presented results violated any known flows of voting patterns, failing to flow with Tribal Trends, Religious Proclivities, Political Strongholds, General Popular Revolt or any pattern of voting logic than can be defended to a thinking man.

Whereby the cost of bail, is more than the income of the bread winner of the family, it is better to leave him in jail and use the money to cater for his children.
The alternatives being a Coup, Violent Revolt etc., I cannot in sound mind recommend any of the above.
We are suffering from the consequences of our chosen nature and we must change for anything to change.
We live in a country where everyday the trend of parents in pure knowledge paying for special examination center, answer sheets, illegal postings and slots for the their children is growing and forming a legitimate normal, that places undue pressure on the parents who chose to rely on their childs academic proficiency.
We live in a country that is rapidly promoting wealth to a position of honor that strips legitimately acquired Titles of their value. With Chieftaincies, Bishop Chairs, Academic Laurels and Every other good name in society, being at the mercy of a bidding war.
Why would an election be any different?
In nigeria, may the best man win, is gradually becoming, Let the Rich man win, and there is nothing you can do about it, but there is something you can do about you.
The next election in Nigeria will be WAR!

This election has changed the rules by Declaring to the present generation that all is fair on election day and alerting the political class to build the chests of spoils and not worry about the age old charade of campaign slogans. the result will be an election for the record books, not in fairness but in aggression, inducement and vicious rape of the peoples mandate.
The raw Naked Truth is that elections in Nigeria have derailed. The citizen must therefore spend the quiet lull between now and whatever will be the consequence of this "state fraud", fixing the many holes created in his own life and waiting to respond to whatever the next events will be. It is whatever happens next that should decide your line of action and I have no Prophesies to give on the future.
Be your brothers keeper, work to build a productive enterprise, build a family of loving and kind Nigerians, think home where ever you are and Finally, since you know who you voted for, Remember your positions on those issues that matter to you, Study your views, opinions, interests and when the time comes, against all odd and in spite of the obvious discouragement - vote.
The seat can be delegated to anyone but your mandate, is not a matter to be delegated to Thugs, courts or Elections umpires, they are the very things that make you a citizen and the very things that make us a nation - once expressed, it can be suppressed but it can never be taken.
We are People, individual people, who are united by the geographic territories of a nation and 2023 proved our powerlessness in the nation of our fathers and we will do nothing about it because there is nothing to be done. The election is only a testament to the general state of our character as a nation. Where with ease, tribal sentiments overtake math, Legal Technicalities delete math, election umpires rethink math and, "and" becomes a difficult think to add.

Because the nation is made up of me and you, do nothing, it is what we have all done that is reflected in the quality of our leadership. Some of these boys failed jamb yet graduated lawyers, failed the civil service exam yet became Ministers, failed to win elections yet "rule". in all of it are complicit Nigerians like you and me, taking a little under the table to make ends meet and in the end fostering and Atmosphere of "fraud" that is almost a natural Occurrence and a welcome development when it is "Our man that wins".
Do nothing, you have done enough. Take the next 3 years to change because something is wrong with us. Elections Are Rigged In Africa Because Africa Is Rigged, There Is Nothing To Be Done About It, Change 1st, Then We Can Talk Again About The Counrty Changing.
I do have One Prophesy For You - If You Change, The Country Would Have Changed Too.

this is a syndicated Article Released Every Friday and taking an Unbiased Approach to unraveling the implications of the weeks leading events to the Lifes of My People.
Read with an open mind...

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