The Police In Nigeria Take Breaks. This Is All You Need To Know About Insecurity In Nigeria.
Fri.April.12.2024 - Ubochi Eke

How can you provide us security, when we are afraid of you?
The Police in Nigeria smoke Igbo (weed) on duty and the citizens are well aware. That is all you need to know about insecurity.
The Police in Nigeria kill in the service of V.I.Ps. That is the height of our insecurity.
In a family meeting, one man shows up with an armed battalion that "illegally" slaps opposition while in uniform. How can the meeting end well. This is the weight of our insecurity.
Investigations are stalled, started, aided, defeated by economic inducement. This is the grade of our insecurity.
Letters to higher authority, go through lower authority that blocks the letter or charges complainants in order to merely read them. This is the breadth of our insecurity, stifling the masses and squeezing them between the criminals and wealthy overlords whose source of wealth are coincidentally derived from the suppression of human standards of living.
This is just Police.
The army mount road blocks that you cannot pass at night without first moving the logs of wood yourself and then paying off the night crew, then returning the log of wood, all in the thick of night.
The Road Safety, Renowned for years for their focus on road safety are now Securing us from accidents by chasing down motorists in shakedowns for funds that never make it to the head office.
The Civil Defense degrade civility as they now form the new brigade of Escorts for junior boys who did not get the proper protection of a Mobile Police Detachment. They huff and Puff in the service of their masters, at events and Occasions, not with the least bit of civility, just Proper dressing that beats the Police, wrapping their Inferiority complex Among the security services, exhibited in overzealousness, that aids insecurity.
The insecurity we talk about, is not a lack of security but actually a case of "inside" forces, breaching the walls of the city and supporting the external forces who raid our lives.
Inside our security systems, lives our insecurity.

In Nigeria, even Lawyers ask if you have some money to give to the Police for your bail.
No form of drunk driving is more abhorrent than not drinking at all but being "messed up" enough to think that you should not tip at checkpoints.
No form of stupidity is more profound, not in committing any crime but in entering a Police Station for any reason including to report a crime against yourself or as a witness and expecting to walk out without sharing the sum total of your pockets contents, graded by your proximity to the gains of the investigation.
No amount of faith is more useless, than to file a charge against a Politician, Musician or "Corpora-thiefian" and in absurdity pray to God for anything other than the money to push it or the contacts, because faith without "works" is a dead case, no matter the allegations.
Bribery impales the criminal and civil justice system and makes crime a rewarding element of human social engagement and equity in Nigeria. Why would insecurity not fester?
Indeed to be a thief in Nigeria, is not a crime, to be a kidnapper, is not a crime, to be a drug addict is not a crime, to be a homosexual is not a crime. No laws in Nigeria abhor any of these if you have the loot, from whatever source, to stifle the petition and render the constitution into a document for mock trials in Universities. In fact, if your name is Bobrisky, you get awards.
How can insecurity not thrive in such a Zoo.

No administration abhorred Federal Character principles like the last, any lessons learn't?
When a Calabar officer meets a Calabar man at the Enugu Police station, he chooses to ease his pain or aid his suffering strickly on the basis of Tribe, with further bias to actual clan.
When an Hausa Officer meets a man at a military check point in Jos, he decides to make way, or make him pay, depending on the intonation of his delivery of the very same language.
When a Yoruba man, meets Another brother Yoruba man as a suspect, he decides to prejudge the case or investigate, by querying his religion, where different, the odd that this man is a criminal increases by the weight of confidence in the reliability of "people" of his commission, worse still, this can readily apply to Christians of different denominations and Tribal Brethren from different states and Clan divisions.
How can insecurity not thrive in such a situation?
What is the occupation of Seyi Tinubu? can somebody explain how to become a Betta Edu? Was Tunde Sabiu (Buhari's nephew and a supreme villa authority) a consummate development expert? The Current Inspector General of Police, what is his record of achievements? The current Chief of Defense Staff, where is the proof of his superiority in pedigree to the 100 men that his appointment retired?
Are we mad? How can Goats be sent to defend the Yam barn?
Is Godswill Akpabio the voice of the people? While his records of achievements in road development in Akwa Ibom is impressive, his road to the Senate Presidency falls short of every measure of merit. How can he preside over insecurity?
How is the killing of IPOB Members or even Boko Haram a form of Policing? Are people, even evil people no longer an assessment for the courts to make? Is the obliteration of a village a proper response to the failure of armed military men to defend themselves, wherefore unarmed civilians now pay for the crimes of armed men who probably, equally ride them and deride them, as their own military force now does?
When you send boys to the top and leave men at the bottom, simply because the boys will listen to political directives and serve your lot in looking the other way when necessary. Why then do you expect security?
the Boys having learned to look the other way in issues that concern you, will look the other way in issues of value to them. having listened to your political directives when it favours you, they will also play politics of their own.
The most dangerous thing about Nepotism is that it creates "Thin" gods who replicate the vices of their father but see no value in borrowing his virtues. A downward spiral that in the Army creates B Grade Generals, who birth C Rate Colonels and end with Sergeants that fail well beyond an F.
Nepotism is Shaded in the color of a Police D.P.O who cannot read the statements of suspects but claims to understand every case. He misses Thieves in plain sight by observing their clothing, manners and contacts and offering them honors and respect, this while imprisoning victims in clear sight, all because "those fools" are clearly not part of the ladder he needs to climb in order to become an Area Commander.

Who can really tell the difference between the real and the fake security forces.
When we were kids, it was clear that the Thieves in our neighborhood were Army Officers.
From Army to Police who shelter known criminals to the Coverage of Oil theives by Navy Officers, the insecurity in Nigeria is not only aided by, but is participated in by men and women of the Nigerian security services.
Is it not on ships that the guns come in? What is the role of the same customs that will not allow a single wire to reach Alaba International Market, without their cut? how do they miss Guns, while catching bags of rice?
Is it not the same phones that the government uses to track opponents that the bandits use to call for ransom?
Is it not the same bank accounts that was blocked for End Sars protest leaders that Yahoo Boys, use to collect their pay?
Is it not the CBN that mints billionaires with economically incalculable policies on foreign exchange that also allows a round trip of a currency within the very same nation in which it is generated?
Are the regulators, not regulating the rate and flow of our nightmare?
Insecurity is "Under control", because much of it, is generated by the state, it is their appetite that is out of control, not insecurity. When their greed abates, crime, the crimes they superintend, will end and we will more easily know the size of the "unofficial" criminals, whose numbers I am sure is lowers by a lot.

This is not an analysis of Governor Sani, it is an analysis of Nigeria.
In the first month of the administration of my state Governor, he reactivated a dead sit at home by attempting to own its Stoppage. Like it or not, the administration of Enugu State is sponsored from Sokoto. For my family who may be concerned that I mention names and issues so directly. This article is called THE RAW NAKED TRUTH and I intend to ensure that it doesn't even wear underpants.
Anyone who is angry should sue me. Furthermore, they can attempt to use state powers to frame me for eating French fries or even just open the cage without charge. What I will not do is to cage myself when writing these articles.
In my Neighboring Anambra, an economist is hunting Rats over Chieftaincy titles while Elephants have made it Impossible for the Kings of Money (Yes, that is what Anambra People are) to come home and invest in his "Aku Ruo Uno" concept (Let the wealth come home).
This is because when the wealth comes home, even in Bullet proof cars, it is shot at and set on fire by the miscreants he has failed to attend to.
What is Hopeful about Imo State?, with the gloom of the festering mess that its highways and villages have become, in spite of the national significance of it's Governor.
Forget insults, I am not trying to insult. I am frankly pointing out the misplacement of priorities by Political leadership who are aggressively attending to their own re-election agendas while failing to recognize the stalling state of affairs in the present life of the States they superintend.
Suffice it to add that even negotiations or lack thereof with bandits have become cannon fodder for self promotions, with school children advertised on their arrival without consideration to their need to simply recover from the Nightmare that is Kidnapping.
When the story is more important than the event, danger turns into an action movie and the tragedy that is our lives, become a mere comedy.
That is the horror of Politicizing insecurity, it turns life and death into a story line of ethnic Interpretations, religious undertones and allegiances, all of which confuse our focus on the singular enemy encased in bullets, bombs and the frightening knocks on our doors at midnight.

Africa's 8 Greatest Enemies in HD.
Sometime soon, I will take time to unveil the global agenda for Africa. They want us dead, at least 20% of us.
Oddly enough a sinister component of this plan is the strategic elimination of our people from their native lands under the guise of banditry and cattle herder invasions.
Africans must learn to think critically about the events and happenings around us. What really does the crisis in Jos, Kaduna, Kano and Benue have in common?
It is not Tribe or Religion, they are all simply food belts. This Of course is a subject for its own article but it is key to note that much of the insecurity in Africa as a whole is centered around farmland, oil and gas and mineral resources, all resulting in scrambles among our people for products that are controlled by international actors who use us to keep export prices down, stifle commercial developments of sites and processing and in the end enable self suppression of capacity and development possibilities.
The insecurity in Nigeria and Africa, is often an importation of ideas and divisions, aimed at enabling divisions that push us to fight and kill ourselves in the interests of others.
By others I means Americans, Chinese, Germans and most unfortunately, the general list of colonists that impaled Africa, including as King pin, the Dwarf remnants of the British Empire.
If we eliminate our subservience to foreign agents, "partners" and organizations, insecurity in Africa will reduce by 30%.
Next to the insecurity presented by the Compliance, complacent and complicity of our security services, foreign imports of insecurity is the 2nd most significant contributor to insecurity in Nigeria and to a greater degree across all of the African continent.
EGO NA EGO (Money and Money)

The source should be as important as the cash, impact over sharing formula.
Oh how we worship money. In a society where 2 children of the same father are treated in 2 entirely different ways strickly on the basis of economic prowess and criminals who amass wealth by stealing and selling the lands, rights and titles of the village are revered, why would insecurity not rule the day?
In Nigeria, any occupant of a G-Wagon Mercedes is a good man, especially if he spills Dollar bills at every event he attends. His source of income, contributions to society and other general evaluations of character and positivity that should be the traditional ways of judging value have become inconsequential in Africa.
Why then would insecurity not fester?
An average University Student derails as follows, Year 1, hardworking, Year 2 feeling stupid, Year 3, cultist or yahoo boy, Year 4, graduates as a menace to society. Why would insecurity not fester?
The Nigerian design is deeply breached by a money over everything mentality that is forcing even the "best of us" to reconsider our propensity for straight forwardness and to "wisely" consider corruptions, this urge is there even if we do not execute the inspiration.
If we began to value both the Riches and the Sources, according respect to Wealth in direct proportion to its source and impact, insecurity in Nigeria will drop by more than 10%.

They say these are INFLUENCERS, please, what are they under the influence of?
There is a general decadence and rotting of our moral fiber, such that when a man goes to bribe a Police officer and the officer refuses, he merely increases the amount, with every expectation that it is the volume and not the idea, that is out of order.
Our Preachers may adhere to "relative" sexual detachments but beyond this they cannot be rated near saintly, nor does the society expect them to be so when the issue is the abuse of land ordinances to build a church without a parking lot, or worse to drag lands from the hands of their owner, tricking a wife to sign over her husbands rights or a brother to compromise brotherhood in order to allow a church to be built on co-owned land without regards to his "unbelieving" sibling.
No body expects Jamb results to resemble what was written in the hall, students of the University expect to be billed via sex or cash more so than to pass on merit.
In all things our standards are low on the moral threshold.
Security men, expect time to sleep at night and staff of a company turn off cameras or generators in order to take a smoke break against company policy. This exists in every country, the difference in Nigeria is that the staff when caught will argue rights and cannot be made to understand how morally wrong their actions are, even when sacked they continue to justify their negligence and claim moral rights over the "wealthy" idiots that run the company, who do not understand their suffering and "natural" right to a better life.
Why would insecurity not fester in such a society?
When the fathers smoke Igbo in the Church, the Children will do Cocaine in the Parking lot of the Mosque.
Here, acts of bribery, gold digging, fraud and other Non-Violent offenses are considered "runs, cool guy sh*t. Why would our bandits be normal?
When the norm is criminal, the criminal advances to another level. Leaving pistols, they challenge the military in hardware, leaving stealing, they ignore property and carry people, past rape, they hold as brides.
When the center cannot hold, "Things Fall Apart".
In character, the things that "bind" us no longer exist and we now roam free as wild animals of an unknown species.

Hail them if you love them, curse the evil ones and at minimum do not bow for anyone who does not deserve the title of King and do not confuse thieves for leaders, no matter their position.
When I call Nigeria a Zoo. It has nothing to do with my brother Nnamdi Kalu, I have been calling Nigeria a "Zoo for human animals" all 13 years of my return to my "BELOVED" father land.
What else describes a place in which the laws of the jungle are so far out of place that the Dogs, eat Dog, the Snails eat Dog, people are the Dogs and no herbivores exist.
In Nigeria nearly no one likes the fruits of trees they themselves have to plant, no farmlands marked with the piss of your ancestors graves is safe from any Fowl that has the money to buy off the Police and take it from you.
In this land, might is so right, that a left handed man can hand an examiner money with his right hand and write with his left hand and the examiner will qualify him as INEC Chairman and on the day when the right hand is needed, he can elect a President at 4am, being "naturally" unequipped and incapable of doing the right thing.
in a country of 200million, alot of whom are "educated" a Presidency can remove Subsidy with one hand and hide the savings with the other, while a Senator is suspended for opening his mouth in plenary to declare the presence of corruption in the budget, and courts no longer have the right to grant bail. Why would insecurity not fester in such a free for all?
in a country where even elections are snatched, grabbed and ran with? Is it not obvious that snatching, grabbing and running is the way to go?
Is it not snatching, grabbing and running with things that don't belong to you that bandits, kidnappers and marauders do? In essence, "na them understand this country pass".
Our people have a saying, "Nwa nna ya ziri ori, na eji ofu ukwu, agbawa uzo" (a child whose father has sent to steal, breaks the door with one leg). In essence, the bandits, kidnappers and marauders in Nigeria, are merely learners when compared to their fathers in the Security services, Government houses and Corporate Head offices, and as amateurs they do not know their limits and have over done the work.
The Raw Naked Truth, is that this is business as usual, standard operating procedure, passage rights of Ascension, norms because according to popular lore, "Anu na eriro ibe ya adi ebu" (an animal that does not eat another, does not grow). As such in Nigeria and much of Africa we are functioning a "Zoo, for human animals".
If we can solve the insecurity in our security forces, 50% of the problem would be resolved and the other 50% would draw down because they would not know the days off for the security services.
30% of the problem will end, if we embark on immediate independent development of our society and stop waiting for Foreign "investment", 10% or more will disappear if we stop elevating wealth over character, money over works.
The rest is the natural counter-balance in a society, which reminds us that we are not dead and in heaven but are alive and should still lock the doors but not with the chains we now use, with ever greater risks of a generator inferno, grilling our entire family in our sleep.
There is no insecurity, we are merely in a terrible comic show that was misread by the actors and is slowly turning into a tragedy.
None Of this will change if we do not change both ourselves and our interactions with the selfish "Monkeys" that run the Zoo.
How? 1. Reject the notion that this is normal or Irredeemable. 2. Become for all of us, a generally better person. 3. resist, Scream, shout and expose evil at every turn.
4. at minimum, do not watch the show, deny the Idiosyncrasies of Nigeria, your idol worship. When they pass with their ill gotten gains stare at the sky as if their cars do not glimmer in the sun. Don't lie to yourself, the car is attractive, but so is a good life and we cannot get one aiding these fools.

this is a syndicated Article Released Every Friday and taking an Unbiased Approach to unraveling the implications of the weeks leading events to the Lifes of My People.
Read with an open mind...

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