Israel-gaza war: THE raw naked truth
And its Implications for the African
Fri.Nov.3.2023 - Ubochi Nkwo

Gaza City, Palestine Obliterated by Israeli Arial Bombardments
At Issue Today Is The War In Southern Syria (Palestine), also Know To Many As The Israel-Gaza War.
Life Does Not Happen In Isolation And So Anyone Who Looks At The Foundations Of This Conflict As October 7th 2023 Is Either Oblivious Of The Larger Matters Or Chooses To Discuss The Salacious Moments Of Crass Violence By The Palestinian Resistance And To Use It As Blanket Justification For What Is Clearly An Attempt At Genocide And The Forced Eviction Of 2.1million People From Their Homeland.
It Still Baffles Me The Hypocrisy With Which People Twist Facts And The Ease With Which The African Is Drafted, "Against" His Interests Into Unjust Wars Against People Being Subjected To The Very Same Conditions Of Servitude From Which We Also, are Trying To Escape. In the End Not Only Serving The Interests Of His Persecutors But Going Further To Be An Unwitting Accomplice, Ally And Fervent Preacher, Promoting Injustice With Faithful Commitment, While Failing To Acknowledged The Truth That Our Great Civilization Has Been Turned Into A Puppet For Global Domination By The Very Colonial Masters That Destroyed Our Foundations And Continue To Stymie Our Development.
The Lands now wrestled between Israel and Palestine had at one time been occupied by Canaanites, Egypt, Israel, Judah, the Philistines, Babylonians, Persians, The Greek, Hasmonean Kingdom, Rome, the Crusaders and the Ottoman Empire who where disposed by the British After the 1st World War. It is the British "Colonists" who by fiat and for pure selfish interest created the trouble we now see by gifting out an already occupied land to the "European Jews" with little regard for the human implications beyond their empires designs - today the chicken are Roosting.
In April 1960 the ANC (African National Congress), the very party of Nelson Mandela was labeled a terrorist organization and banned by their Occupiers, today it is the leading party in South Africa. In August 1831 our brother Nat Turner whose Ancestors were imported into America like a piece of Textile Material (a slave), took up arms, he was labeled a terrorist, captured and Executed by Hanging, then dissected, flayed, With His Bones Sold of, His Head a Souvenir and his skin being Turned into souvenir purses By the American Criminals that Imported His Ancestors. In 2023 the Western Block of countries, the very same countries who represent the core owners of modern slavery and colonization claim the following countries to be terrorists and an axis of evil, China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea and any other countries that dare at an independent Foreign Policy.
They also claim the following countries as allies, Germany (Responsible for World War 2), Japan (Arch colonist of Asia with a history of attrocities in China, North and South Korea), U.S.A (Responsible for the world's only known use of Nuclear Weapons and also responsible for the most wars in the history of the world), U.K, France, Belgium, Dutchland (the very countries that looted and still loot Africa). In all this, the African is still confused as to who the good guys are - why?
Well, it boils down to the very same reason we side with the Apartheid and Terrorist State of Israel in its bid to destroy the "human beings" called Palestinians.
The reason is Religion, Education and Media.

Source: Guardian News Nigeria - Rally calling on the U.N to stop the genocide in Palestine. The protest was organised by the Conference of Islamic Organisations (CIO) at Ojota Park, Lagos. October.21.2023
The Christian African has decided at blindness where the matters in discussion have biblical records, negating the human "contributions" to theological literature and the dedication of the devil to using the word of God against his Children.
From the inception of the Bible, the serpent decieved eve, by quoting "God". This is a time tested way of convincing the people of God to ditch God.
The Muslim African, does not help either, both due to his lack of willingness to engage his brothers in reasoned arguments without attacking faith or taking offense to any observed slights at "Allah or Muhammad".
In this vacuum the "European Jew" and his Western allies have secured their interests (Wealth and World Domination) against the interests of humanity (Peace and Harmony).
It is important to note that any claims by the current "Occupants" of Southern Syria, who now call themselves Israel is steeped in a conscious violation of the holy communion of Christ by a people who did not recognize him in his life time and whose present religion offers no position of honor to him.
Even when the claim originates from the old testament, they are developed from a selective reading of the Bible by politicians intent on generating the fervent support of the Christian faithful, while in their lifestyle, policies and general pronouncements assisting the very erosion of human morals, God's law and any semblance of a sane society, with family values.
The Bible's Description of israel speaks of a people and not a land, these were the children of abraham, isaac and jacob, Descendants of a promise whose dependence on god and love for human life can never allow the Atrocities now being committed in their name by benjamin netanyahu and his immoral bank of banker warriors. David who is one of my guiding lights in my journey of human evolution and belief in god was describes as "A man after God's heart", who even in battle sought the permission of god to deal death to enemies (1st Samuel Chapter 24). Can it be said of Benjamin Netanyahu that his is a son of David, would Solomon Approve of the Wisdom in the blanket bombing of hospitals and schools and confirmed refugee camps run by the united Nations. What would Jesus say?
The African will remain at deficit, so long as he gets his education from the institutions of his colonial masters. Till date every African interview I have watched show unoriginal thought and a regurgitation of the evident limits on the dependence on Wikipedia and Google Search for information on facts which the west seek to hide, Re-Imagine or redact.
Whereby our knowledge of history comes from the textbooks developed by the European and American Empires, And our Research is dependent on their journals and the releases by international organizations like the United Nations and International Monetary Fund, which they control, we are doomed to follow with speed like Lambs to slauter, every Directive in lieu of the knowledge of what has been redacted, inflated, deleted or fabricated in the foundations of our arguments.
The horror of this is further accented by the fact that our Professors and Teachers here at home, have abhorred research and delegated the development of new knowledge to their peers abroad. In fact where we have brilliant minds their research dies in folders as they wait like fools for western journals and publishers to promote their works - at what gain?
As a fact, the current Jewish State of Israel was created by fiat by the British Empire in 1922, in honor of the Balfour Declaration and as a means to create chaos in the middle east and ensure a buffer against the free Arab states.
however most Nigerian do not know this, just as they do not know that it will be Nnamdi Azikiwe's Birthday on the 16th of November because we as a nation do not teach history in schools. I repeat, in Nigeria, Africa's hope, the Black Man's bastion, we DO NOT TEACH HISTORY in schools.
Hey, and if we did, we'd probably let them write the books.
Whereby our knowledge of Events comes from YouTube and Google Search, we are doomed to follow with speed like Lambs to Slaughter, every propaganda of a Western Order.

The chief culprit in this modern day Miseducation of the Negro is Media, both the legacy media like CNN and the BBC that fail to use English to describe Israel's ruthless destruction of the lives of millions of human beings and its legacy of an Apartheid that goes well beyond anything that South Africa was known for, and its Social Media like Facebook and YouTube, which actively hide critical content and promote Vicious assassinations of facts, lending credibility to the criminal state of Israel and invisibility to the origin facts of the pre 1922 land of Palestine (Southern Syria).
Palestine was not an empty parking lot, it was a piece of land the size of The West African Country of Togo, or Niger State, Nigeria. Before 1917 it was recognized as southern syria and was well occupied. Today the native population has been squeezed into less than 6,000 sq/km, much of which is indirectly controlled by israel and its settlers. the new tenants now occupy 22,000 sq/km., freehold, without Encumbrances. Anyone who can justify this is either smarter than me or lying to himself.

It is a fact that while many call for a two state solution in Israel and Palestine and I have no horse in the race such that I should start picking winners - that land is Southern Syria and this war is Terrorism. The "State of Israel" should be begging for a two state solution, as they have neither moral, Hereditary nor Legal rights to the lands they where Ceded by the colonial British Empire - anymore than Lagos can be claimed by the Portuguese. If they are successful in acquiring it by conquest, fine, that has been the tradition of the territory, a land which has swapped tenant more often than an overpriced Penthouse. But they should state their aim, accept the genocide and rapidly exterminate the "roach Palestinians" with proper force, anything less is hypocrisy and this is what I expect from them.
It is a fact that while the actions of Hamas on October 7th 2023 where vicious, they were not Terrorism but rather the only means available to the Ant for it to alert the Elephant that is stepping on it, that it is alive.
It is a fact that Israel is an offender and occupier and has no room to claim defence by obliterating the lives and livelihoods of the rightful owners of the lands it acquired by the criminal dictates of the Western powers. Unfortunately Many world leaders keep silent due to the global influence of Jewish Capital and Media and the wicked spite of the American empire. I for one have no time for fear - it has not helped the Africans before me - and It will not help us.
It is a fact that Israel is an offender and occupier and has no room to claim defence by obliterating the lives and livelihoods of the rightful owners of the lands it acquired by the criminal dictates of the Western powers. Unfortunately Many world leaders keep silent due to the global influence of Jewish Capital and Media and the wicked spite of the American empire. I for one have no time for fear - it has not helped the Africans before me - and It will not help us.
Africans must recognize the evils of the Western Colonists and shift their alliances into negotiated relationships both with the West and any other Nations who seek our "partnership".
We must restore history to our schools and ensure extreme investment in internal development of the foundations of truth and knowledge for our children.
We must Have the Boldness to reprimand israel for its crimes, to publicly support palestine and restore our place in the world as a people known for truth at all cost.
We must work hard to change this culture of dependence on Social Media and Western Media for news and information and fight to get our youth to start reading, research and analytical thinking on critical issues. Every effort must be put into making reading and intelligence attractive for the upcoming generation, ensuring a more serious bunch than my generation has become.

this is a syndicated Article Released Every Friday and taking an Unbiased Approach to unraveling the implications of the weeks leading events to the Lifes of My People.
Read with an open mind...

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