When Children Rule - The Country is For No Man!
Africa faces the challenge of its poorest minds, succeeding in the wrong place - politics.
Fri.Nov.24.2023 - Ubochi eke

If the article matches you, the picture is talking about you, otherwise, just smile for your people.
What Is A Great Man. It Is That Man That In-spite Of The Snares And Traps Leads His People To A Better Day And Inspires Them To Be Better Tomorrow, Than Today Just Because He Lived.
In Nigeria, Presidents complain that the citizen is non compliant - well, there in lies your work. Businessmen complain that there is no capital - well therein lies the opportunity. Preachers complain, that there are no crowds - well 12 was how he worked and so you with a world already aware of your faith, should not complain of the work you have in comparison to the founder.
The likes of Nnamdi Azikiwe, Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah and leaders of African American liberty like Booker T. Washington did not achieve liberty for our people by feeling bad for themselves but by standing firm and spending a lifetime, doing the work.
The greatness of Jesus was as a foundation of a new faith, the greatness of Carnegie, was in the introduction of Steel for industrial development, the greatness of Lee K... Hee, was in taking a trading outpost (Singapore) and turning it into an example for the world, non complained about the work with Jesus now one of the greatest names in human record, after dying with grace on a cross ment for shame and spreading the Gospel as a more humane approach to worship than the rigid Jewish faith.
Now you want to Preach the gospel of Christ as a luxury not a work, with members flocking to you without disciples or the enemity of Pharisees. You want to build a Billion Alusiuwa empire, just because you want to, with no product innovations or special solution to the problems of the masses or industry. You want to run the largest country in Africa with no love for human beings or creative inputs that improve their lot, no success in poverty alleviation or wealth creation, no social initiatives that empower their consciousness, no inspiration of their quest and hope for a life of meaning, yet you seek their full support of your "nothing".
Children, in the Government House.
Only children expect to have something just because they want it. Adults know to do the work.
In Africa, we have leaders that have decided to do anything necessary to get the seat but have not recognized that the seat cannot do the work. Leadership requires active participation in the lives of the people and the willingness to go above and beyond to achieve results "for" the people. To commit to glory or death, honor or injury and to fight harder on the seat than you did to get it.
Leaders are slaves, slaves who work from the front, the starting line of war for human evolution.
You are not a leader until you yield to the work and a vision for the advancement of your people and set on the path with single minded insanity, ignoring reward and valuing the changes in the life of your people more than the chains of foreign coins.
Oddly enough, if you serve us, we will cede our gold and gift you a world of Wealth, Kingship and Love in this world and a permanent record in the anals of our history, a stamp in legacy, a valuation of your lineage above others - the very things or which you now fight us, we will seed to you, if you focus and fight "for" us.
But you are Children, you want the sweet but refuse to clean your room.

Should a Governor with a good workload, have time to commission a single lane road with fanfare?
In Nigeria, people sell houses to get into power (Government Offices) and when they are there, they cannot even sacrifice one of the Ministries, Slots or Jobs for the common good.
For 4 years Presidents and Governors run around the country commissioning bullshit while traveling across the globe in foreign made jets of excellence, hosted in foreign built cities of excellence, lounging with renowned world leaders of excellence, returning home to commission more bullshit, which they drive to in foreign cars, on bad roads because you cannot import road, nor leadership.
The difference is not much for Professors, who can order elections whose results cannot be said to be a mathematical calculations by any known formula. Or their brothers in Academia who cannot attract young girls with their superior intellect but rather withhold earned grades for a bedtime story. Or their sisters who seek to be V.C on the basis of having studied at Harvard, yet have not written works that anyone has ever bought of their own free will, for its great value, less the inducement by the university that their poorly written "copy" is a mandatory handout. CHILDREN.
For the Country to work for any man, it needs men who will do the work, and these are not men. Africa has been burdened by Children in the government house who throw tantrums because they are not loved by a people they do not serve.
ARE THERE ANY GREAT MEN IN AFRICA? I suffered through a noisy argument in a Bar about the lack of great men in Africa, 6 men were Arguing with 2 insisting that there are no great men in Africa, 2 arguing that there are and the other 2 consuming the nuisance. I could not contain the nuisance and had to change my seating position, Inorder not to be filled with junk that I cannot rebut.
Africa is still existing at all because of the few great men, if you are a leader in Africa, when you are done reading this article, grade yourself - less than 5, please do well to retire, Children at old age is called Joe Biden, it can ruin an empire.
If you are Aspiring To Be a leader and you score at least 4 out of 7, you are at least good for Africa, but please work on the rest of yourself, before you start fighting for us, because if you are not ready, you are asking us to join you and loose, just because you want to lead us. anything less, please if God will bless you to Japa, leave us alone, we will do well with less Children in the Government house.

Nigerian Socialite Emoney bought car he his sister and her friends.
In a family, 4 brothers are born and only 2 get along and not that well, yet they help each other, because they are blood. They maintain friends and associates but will make greater sacrifices for their brothers, just because they are blood.
Along the line the African leader does not see a bond between him and his people, but rather his associates, cronies and all the people they call "stake holders", essentially submitting loyalty to the resources of power and not the source (people).
This often starts small, as his inferiority complex pushes him to separate from his poor background or circumstances or origins or class, all of which is a rampant feature of a majority of our leaders at all levels, deep seated and untreated insecurity. The riskiest outliers of the society are the ones who lead us.
With this foundation, it is impossible to lead, because to the people you are an alien and equally as you have no bond to them, they have no bond to you.

Will she forget?
As you grow up with your brothers and sister, events occur where they save you and where they are falling, they expect that you will save them. Good siblings go above and beyond to repay the goodness of their brother, often forgiving debts in order to repay much smaller debts with much larger kindness. For example a brother might have been helped by his elder sister through secondary school and by the University she abandons hims and treats him bad due to personal issues in her own life. In the end he succeeds and finds her struggling. Her expenses for him was fees for a low grade school, a favour that was accompanied by equal abuse, his repayment for that debt, a house, a luxury car, school fees for all her children and the semblance of memory loss to the evils she did to him, rendering kindness at every turn Instead.
The African Leader is suffering from "good things" dementia and claims that his success comes from hard work and remembers all of the enemies that tried to vanquish him, but fails to remember all of the little things that had to come together for him to survive, talk less of thrive.
The foundation of this is often the harshness of Africa. Post colonization, Africa has become a notoriously harsh soil for human kindness and often the pains are so harsh and we focus on them so much that we do not see how full of kindness the African is, most of the time and can be, more often that not, if nurtured. The truth is that wickedness is on the rise in our societies and often our future rulers are the ones most touched by it at their formative years and the once who dish it out best as they grow and TAKE power.
Without repaying debts, how can your people trust you to lead them? He who cannot give back what he owes, cannot be trusted to dish out free gifts.

Imagine if the guy in the white coat was in charge, and the rest were merely guests.
As a young girl grows up with her siblings, they observe the diligence with which she take on her assigned and unassigned responsibilities, if they are younger they begin to depend on her, loading her even with their own chores, if they are older, they may take advantage of her, shifting their own responsibilities to her. In the end she may take both on, for the young not because they can do anything to her but because she can handle it, for the older not because of what they might do to her, but because she can handle it.
The African leader is suffering from an expectation of ease and shifts so many responsibilities of his desk to underlings and superiors, that you begin to wonder who is really In charge. State Governors blame both Commissioners and the Presidency, the Presidency blames both the People and God, the Professor, blames the Balot box lol (that was just for kicks - Are we not allowed to have fun with these articles? If we are not, I take Responsibility, I blame no one lol). The Professor blames both the student and the University, the Vice Chancellor of the University in turn blames the Professor and the State and on and on. Hotel lights not working - blame the power company, solar is not Your responsibility. school children not learning - blame their parents, teaching is not your responsibility.
We all pass the ball to something else or someone else.
The foundation of this is a generally lackadaisical society, and these leaders are born of this laissez faire life. For generations now, the African has lived in search of American standards of living that has made him incompetent in achieving basic excellence. We no longer build houses with straight wall, yet our fitting are by far more luxurious than the average american home. Our expectations that we deserve rest, has made us lazy to our basic responsibility for basic things.
If the people have no record of you being more hardworking than them, they can never accept that you DESERVE to be infront, leading them.

Image: Young Nigerian men celebrating each other.
The young girl grows up with an older brother who she loathes because he has ownership of her, no he does not abuse her, but rather he sees her as HIS SISTER. At all football matches he keeps an eye out to see who is talking to her. He fights at any negative mention of her name. His friends know better than to date her, not because she is no good, but because they are no good and they know that if they play their games with her, the mud will visit them on a day when they are wearing their whitest dress. She loathes him, yet deep down inside, she loves him more than all the other 3 combined.
The African leader is suffering from a lack of Ownership. He does not see his people, as hIS'. A man takes care of a house that is his', children that are his'. a wife that is his', once there is any discrepancy in ownership of dispute, his interest and protections Diminish. The African leader has low interest and offers little protection to his people from the Global order, Vested Interests and in many cases, even himself.
The foundation of this is a society that believes in taking care of itself. In fact in many homes fathers have Delegated Tutelage to their wives, focusing on business and building wealth that the useless BASTARDS will fritter away. Yes, I am intentional in saying bastards, the word means children who do not know their father - how many of us do? It is the same with many of our leaders.
If your people cannot feel you watching out for them, and cannot count on your defense from attack, why should they cede their will and freedom, to you?

Image: Black Militia men support protester in Louisville, U.S.A, protesting the murder of Breonna Taylor by American police, during an illegal raid.
As the young boy does everything in his power to please his father he see that the man is ashamed of him. His elder brother however takes him everywhere with him and shows him off as his "wonderful, intelligent, younger brother". One day the young boy is misbehaving and his father threatens to deal with him but he continues to do what he is doing as if "nothing spoil", as the father was getting frustrated and livid his elder brother walks in an says "very gently" to his brother "Nwanne putta nu ebe ahu", brother please come out of there and to the shock of the father the young man leaves what he is doing without opposition or a second thought and walks away in shame, not in respect of the father but in honor of his brother.
The African leader is suffering from a lack of pride in his people, abroad he calls us lazy youth and in our faces he plays us for fools as he squanders our common wealth and promises to send some of us $50 from the additional money he is borrowing in our name. In the midst of this he demands respect.
The foundation of this is a society that elevate wealth and success at all costs and disregards character, internal virtues and the entirety of man beyond his assets and liabilities. In the end the young learn to only associate with that which has shine, including in their brothers, sisters, kin folk Neighbours etc. These same boys and girls grow up to be mothers and fathers who only take pride in the Children with the Good results, Good hair, Good Manners, forgetting the role that confidence plays in the development of a child. Some of these boys and Girls of the Children they Malnourish end up leaders in Africa.
How can you expect your people to follow you, when you treat them like shit and they know that only time you care to have them around you, is once in 4 years, when you need a little favour.

Image: A brother visits a sister at the height of a hospital strike in Keny
One day on of the Sisters was sick and went to the hospital. Brother 1 was very busy, he had just gotten a new girlfriend, brother 2 was also dutifully occupied, he had an exam in 3 months, Brother 3 Was also Indisposable, he now had to cook for himself because he doesn't eat what others do and since she has been sick and cannot do that for Him, he cannot manage to cook for himself and do other things. Brother 4, he had it easy because all he had to do, was cook for the house since mother travelled, go to her store and read for his exams in 1 week, so he decided to do what he had to do for himself - he cooked for the house, he washed his fathers car and he left for the shop without a shower, he came back at 6 pm and warmed more food, them he packed too plates together in one cooler, because eating it now, would waste much time and putting it in 2 coolers will also take time. He then runs out of the house with a heavy Back pack, on his arrival to the hospital, he would place his cooler on his sisters bed and eat with her, taking time so as to eat only one plate as she slowly eats hers. He calls this his rest time. After rest he would take the book of English literature and start with it first so that he can read out load and she can use the story as a substitute for the Television that her room is missing. He calls this movie time. When she is asleep he will pull out either Physics or Calculus, all the boring stuff and now do the proper work. He calls this bedtime.
The African leader is suffering from a lack of Love. That which you love, you sacrifice for, your readjust for, you find so much merriment in serving its joy that you can pass up merriment for it.
These children in the government house, still hold childlike raves and parties and can skip legislation for a nice pretty "bebe". This stems from a culture of self, that is not original to Africa but has taken root. It seems that what makes a man significant is wealth and power and since most of us come from background where the people we come from cannot offer us any of the to, we neglect them in their inconsequence and learn early on to focus our energy on "success".
Almost everyone who reads the story above, will want it to end in, she later became very successful and carried him along. But leaders don't need the carrying, they do the carrying. Even if he ends up God on this earth, even if he was already the King of their house, if he has love he would have done it for her, with his reward not in any future expectation, but in the doing.
How can your people follow you, if they cannot feel it in their blood that it would be better to dies fighting for you, than to live without you, because you are what gives life meaning.

Image: Usain Bolt leads the pack, in a race with other "Professionals".
in their house, the elder brother want to lead the house but he has failing grades, cannot control his temper, lords over them, is a tate tale, Gossips, Lies, in summary he is a summary of vices. As such non of them ever listen to what he says. The elder sister however, doesn't care to lead, yet she is excellent in school and word, she loves them, Never tells but corrects, never uses her age in arguments, she is honest, loving and kind, in summary, she is a summary of grace, As such she never tells them what to do, but they always do what she thinks is best, because when she is not paying attention, they trick her into telling them, her mind.
The African leader suffers with authority, he believes that "You can order change" and "Command development". In the end, 4 years comes and goes and the country is rarely better for anyman, including him.
The Foundation of this is a people who are loose with their culture. We take the advantageous aspects of our culture like elder ranks, seniority, tribal and Religious superiority etc., at heart, yet we do not ascribe to all the other values of our cultures, like "being our brothers keeper" and recognizing that "only God, divines the King". In the end we do not make the sacrifices and sharpen the skills to deserve leadership but rather develop advanced schemes to game the system like we game our culture.
How can your people, follow you, if you are not in the lead, in fact if measured correctly, leadership is not a league you, as you are, should be playing in. And yes that is about the only thing you can do with the seat - play.

Unquestionable in Africa is the name Nelson "Madiba" Mandela, who do you emulate?
Leadership is a reward for recognizing bond, Fidelity with Repaying Debts, Taking Responsibility, Assuming Ownership, Having Pride, Sharing Love, being an uncommon manifestation of our Kind (excellent) and therefore deserving the submission of personal interest in view of your trustworthiness to manage the ceded resources.
You can't be anything but a child, if you think that just because you stole an election, you deserve our attention, talk less of our land, people, future and the submission of our hard earned free will.

this is a syndicated Article Released Every Friday and taking an Unbiased Approach to unraveling the implications of the weeks leading events to the Lifes of My People.
Read with an open mind...

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