thurs.14.dec.2023 - ubochi Eke
A trap has been set for us, our wives, mothers and daughters are now a speed limit to traditional identity and the independent development of our Social and Spiritual identity and in essence, a break in our core that brakes every other thing.
Why would a man marry a feminist, for fashion or lectures? Why should he raise one, for arguments or intimidation? Why would he need a Sister whose only line of conversation is a question of his natural and unchangeable identity? Why would his mother raise him to be ashamed of who he is or to question the relevance of his father to society?
While achievement is not a vice, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is still an achiever and still does not frame her entire career on crass "de-masculinization" of society, as if women are craving to go to wars.
We aren't designed to align, parallel or partner. We are designed completely different, as north and south pole, magnetic attraction, socket and plug, to interact, counteract, balance and complete each
others missing pieces.
Their is a reason why we copy Everything and seem to not know how to MAKE.
And The God's Are Not to Blame.
In our Africa, STATE Governors still boast of dual carriage roads, some with no gutters or street lighting and Presidents still commission boreholes where quite small taps made for home distillation, serve villages of our people. Nawa ohhh!
In Africa, coupled Chinese cars are the height of manufacturing and we still celebrate the crass stupidity that is the terribly inefficient, foot propelled sewing village known as Aba.
Thur.Dec.14.2023 - Ubochi Eke
A country for no man
Their Is A Reason Why No Parts Of Africa Is Working For The People - Africa Is Working For The West.
The notion that Africa is useless is false, our failure to free ourselves is very useful to European economic growth and development. They leach on us to live the lives we envy.
Africa is mad.
The foundation of this madness is the elevation of all things foreign over our own identity.
Thur, Nov 23rd, 2023 - Ubochi Nkwo

this is a syndicated Article Released Every Thursday and focused on exposing the root causes of the characteristic imbalances of the african story, with solutions that are practical for each of us to take independent of government and economic or social class.
Our world is out of balance and THE GODS ARE NOT TO BLAME... We are. While the world and other factors have a hand in our degraded quality of Life and position in the world, we must take ownership of the restoration of our pride of place in the world and in the arrival at a quality of Life that is worthy of our heritage.
And here are the tools of understanding and action, if you fail to use them, note that THE GODS ARE NOT TO BLAME... You are.
Read with Introspection and Retrospection...

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