Substance STAFF, VOLUNTEERS or CREW details
Substance is our attempt to ensure a SUBSTANTIVE EXCHANGE, a genuine discourse between Citizens, Experts, Leaders and our transformations of Africa, to ensure direct impact and a much better life for all Africans.
Substance is not just a Television Show, It is not just a Road Show, it is a Televised Roadshow yes but it has the added object of a genuine committment to hearing the hearts of Africans and including our common interests in the transformative Agendas led by King ifeanyichiukwu Oruruo.
It is an interactive engagement where the Host, Moderator, Guests and even online Audiences are able to fully participate in the conversations. Anyone is free to ask questions, make comments and even lead the discussion. The Aim at the end of the day is to find and impliment solutions for Africas development and the source of the contributions can be any of us - Substance over source.
The program is also a platform used to access and empower our people directly without the muddling intervention of 3rd parties. Throughout the events are opportunities for the live Guests and the Global Audience to access Scholarships, Grants, Employment, Social, Financial and Legal Supports and much much more, all while learning the realities of life and how to win in the new world order and in addition, helping us to ensure that together, we are building a world that is truly better - Substance over facade.
Saturday September.28th.2024 - 5pm Prompt For Live Audience - 6pm Global Livecast
this is a Cross Africa tour led by King ifeanyichiukwu Oruruo as Chief Host and aimed at touching the lives of our people directly and also accertaining a true feeling of their challenges, needs and solutions for the forthright development of Africa.
The Show is presented by Telecast, Webcast, Radio, Livecast, Virtual Meeting and any other formats to ensure true reach to the edges of Africa.
You can join us as a viewer, Guest, Contributor, Entertainer and more. The more, the merrier...

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We welcome as much of you as are interested in participating as Guests, Experts, Contributors, Industry Professionals, Social Organizations, Government Representatives and all manner of Entertainment and Social Engagement for the Audience in Studio, Home and Abroad.
Find your fit below and apply as appropriate.

You can submit a request to be part of our studio audience.
PRIMARY: The people who we are visiting in each tour will be considered primary guests and a large block of space will be reserved for them FREE of charge with proper reservation and identification.
SECONDARY: All other audience members will need to pay to attend in order to allow us manage crowds, nuisance and ensure an audience that is truly interested and engaged. All proceeds are raffled because we are not interested in the funds but rather the seriousness it encourages.

You can submit a request to be a Core Participant in the discussion.
PRIMARY: Those who have a true relationship with the topic of each show will be given a priority access to participate in the discussions FREE of charge with proper reservation and identification.
SECONDARY: You can also enquire to participate from a general angle based on factors like general knowledge and a particular interest in the topic of the day, or just out of general will to be part of the show in your area. All participation is FREE of charge with proper reservation and identification.

You can submit a request to be an Act or Entertainer or Recognized Celebrity Guest.
PRIMARY: Our approach to entertainment and celebrity or V.I.P's is to 1st recognize the people who have a direct affiliation with the location and audience of our visit. Recognition is FREE of charge with proper reservation and identification. We may also PAY A FAIR WAGE for your services and participation on evaluation.
SECONDARY: You can also enquire to participate and be recognized in general as a V.I.P, Entertainer or Celebrity FREE of charge with proper reservation and identification.